Shaman Revisited

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Shaman Revisited

Postby Ithilwen on Sat May 19, 2018 3:30 am

A shaman connects with he spirits who live among us, through meditation, rituals and study. In this way they connect with the world around them, attracting spirits, which they form bonds with to gain power and knowledge of the past, and future of the land and its people. Because shamans are so connected with the ethereal realm they may seem other worldly and have difficulty with more practical day to day aspect of society, for example they may confuse past and the present, or refer to people using theirs ancestors name. Shamanism is a secret art, even more than druidism, taking people years of rigorous training and concentration to contact spirits, and even more so to take their power to themselves. But all of that hard work tends to truly pay off, since often the spirits tend to gravitate towards the shaman, and granting them assistance.

Spirit Link: Each Shaman is linked with the spirits in a certain way, or form. Due to this each shaman is connected to a spirit animal. The spirit animal is considered a familiar with a minor bonding level. The familiar will all ways be a spirit and can only be seen by other shamans, and the shaman the spirit animal is linked to.

Familiar Traits: Due to the familiar being a spirit they can pass through other creatures and objects. See into the material and ethereal plane at 60 ft, and it can become invisible.

Spirit Speaking: You can see and speak with spirits. You can see into the ethereal realm up to sixty feet, while in the material plane and vice versa.

Shamanic Ascension: When a Shaman begins their training they will normally be tasked with chosen a path. This is often done through a spirit quest which will either tell the shaman in training if they are a shaman of elements or a shaman of spirits. During this spirit quest they will make a deal with a spirit of a specific type of nature. This spirit will then grant them a spirit animal companion to help guide them.

Shaman of Elements: This is a shaman who specializes in dealing with the spirits that have dealings with nature, and maintaining the natural balance of the world.

Choose one of the following

Flame: A shaman who chooses flame has a radiant light behind their eyes, and the faint smell of smoke about them. There spirit animal takes on a more fiery appearance. When they call upon their magic, a hungry spectral flame dances around their body.

Stone: A shaman who chooses stone takes on a more rough, almost stony appearance The spirit animal will take on a more earthy, stone, gargoyle like appearance. When the shaman calls upon their magic, tiny gemstones underneath their flesh pulse with a bright glow, like phosphorescent geodes glittering in a dark cave.

Waves: A shaman who selects the waves spirit has a fluid grace that exhibits itself whenever they move. There spirit animal takes on a more water, ice, or misty form. When they calls upon their magic, floating orbs dance about them, sublimating between icy crystals, misty vapors, and globules of water.

Wind: A shaman who selects the wind spirit appears windswept, and their movements seem lithe and carefree. The spirit animal takes on a more wind like appearance. When they call upon their magic, the wind will pick up around them.

Shaman of Spirits: This is a shaman who wishes to deepen their connection to the spirits around them, surrounding them self in their presence, and count on them to help them.

Battle: A shaman who selects the battle spirit gains scars from every wound they takes, and the grit of battle always seems to cling on their body. Their spirit animal will look more feral, and aggressive. When they call upon their magic, they seem to grow in stature—becoming taller and more muscular, with a grimace of rage stretching across their face.

Life: A shaman who selects the life spirit appears more vibrant than most mortals. There skin seems to glow, and their teeth are a pearly white. The spirit animal takes on a more vibrant and healty appearance. When call upon their magic, There eyes and hair shimmer in the light.

Lore: A shaman who selects the lore spirit appears far wiser and knowing then their age would suggest. Though they can seem unassuming, their eyes give the impression they are peering deep into all they looks at, seeing the secrets of the essential merely by concentrating. There spirit animal takes on a more wiser appearance. When channeling there magic ethereal writing will appear around them.

Slums: A shaman who selects the slums spirit gains the city’s alleys and avenues as steadfast allies. The rats in the gutter, the torches along the walls, the coins that flow through the market are all a part of them and serve their whim. There spirit animal takes on the appearance of having lived in the city alleys and avenues for a number of years.



Summon Golem/Elemental

You use your magic to create a physical body for your spirit animal. Depending on the spirit animal the golem will either be a regular golem in appearance, or it will be an elemental forged of the spirit animals element. While in this shell form the spirit animal can interact with the material plane, and aid you in combat.

Out of battle

Basic Bonding

The shaman can bond with another spirit they find out in the world. This spirit becomes a temporary familiar with a basic bonding level. The bond is only temporary and only last for a short while. This spell lasts a number of hours equal to the number of times shaman has been taken.

Spirit summon

Using your magic you open a gateway which allows the spirit animal you are bonded with to enter and interact with the material plane. Caution be warey of letting elmental spirit animals into the material plane, you never know what chaos might ensue.
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Joined: Sun May 23, 2010 12:04 am

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