Death of a Healer

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Death of a Healer

Postby tbohms75 on Fri Feb 03, 2017 11:34 pm

****This was a very intense scene that I wanted to share with others. Many believe that everything that happens in TLI is ERP. Well, this scene proves otherwise. It had me in tears several times, and I hope that others enjoy reading it. Thank you to all the amazing participants.****

Durigon-THA Would sit on a chair between the beds of his Mate and Slave to be, reading through a posting Roster while he waited for the two to wake up. He had clear and fairly dark rings under his eyes having not slept or so much has stopped until he got to the Keep, and Since he had been quietly filling out reports and reading on to another to keep himself from losing his mind... He nearly lost all that mattered to him in a single night... Injured before hand or not, That was unacceptable and This made him realize that he needed to greatly intensify his training, This... Would never happen again. His Crimson gaze would shift toward the Sapphire scaled dream as regret flooded his mind... She was nearly killed because he couldn't get to her fast enough. His fist would clench closed tightly with the rage this filled his mind with... No, He would have to more then intensify his training.. Wine and his Pipe at the end of the night was a thing of the past, from this moment on, his evenings would be filled with either training or study, Until he transcended his weakness.. His Humanity, all else was dust and ashes.

Pentora lay on the bed, sound asleep. The spell hat Ray`el had put upon them was intended for them to sleep through all the bad things that had happened. To wake up refreshed hopefully...and healed. The fact that her mate had died, was not something she knew as of yet, because she had been knocked unconscious and nearly died herself when it happened to him. Her breathing was shallow still, the young sapphire dream still very pale from the amount of blood she had lost, and still incredibly weak. It would take time for the healing to complete its process and for her to be able to get back to what she was before...but would she be the same? The fact that Lurlina had tried to leave...especially after everything they had talked about...the rings...everything. She would roll over in her sleep, the blanket she was wrapped in barely covering her naked body. A body now riddled with scars that would be there to remind her everyday of what had happened.

Lurlina was out cold and yet even in that sleep her expression still looked rather pained from time to time, tears rolling down those pale cheeks of hers as she shifted, her breath shaky before calming as waves of memory swept over her mind and caught the nightmare that had been clawing at her mind since that night filling with guilt and that wish that she could fix things but she had no idea that she was going to be given that chance. Raised away from such magics she didn't know the dead could be raised or the mortally wounded could be healed. Which was going to have waking become a rather big surprise.

Durigon-THA Would let out a faint sigh, his head turning as his Crimson gaze fell on the Porceline skinned beauty as she stirred in her sleep, Letting out a calm and curious "Hmmm?" He would then slowly rise to his feet, letting out a quiet groan of fatigue as he slowly walked over to the side of her bed. Noticing her sleep was disturbed easily by the pained expression on her features, He would sigh quietly and tilt his head, slowly lowering his sword arm hand to use his thumb to brush the tears gently from her cheek. He knew they may not wake up for a while, But he wasn't leaving until Pentora and Lurlina had awakened and he had explained away what had happened the evening before.. Toying with the Idea of telling the two it was all just some horrible dream... But his usual nature caused him to wrestle with the thought in his mind, part of him realizing it could be the wrong thing to do, But was Pentora ready to learn he had been killed that night? Could Lurlina handle that Her running away had lead to it? He couldn't be sure in his mind either way... and Gods did he hate this conflict.

Pentora would roll back over onto her side, the sapphire dream starting to toss and turn in her dream riddled state. This was so new for her, a drak's normal ability to never sleep, going against this moment when she was actually sleeping. Her body was growing warm, heated from an infection that had started to seep into her body. An infection no one would know about until she was actually brought out of her sleep state. Her lavender hair clung to her face, and she would groan, her hand instinctively coming up to press against that spot on her belly where she had been cut. The spot on her belly where the infection was slowly starting to press into her.

Lurlina felt that light touch and that expression shifted from pain to a faint confusion... what was that? It was enough to get her to stir, groaning softly before rubbing her eyes. Mmm comfy bed... wait... when did she end up in bed? It was then that everything hit all over again and she gasped, those ruby eyes shooting open and dilating. It was then she saw someone standing there... who the... as eyes lifted she paled when she saw just who it was... oh gods... she released a startled little and proceeded... to rather suddenly flail and back pedal... until... she landed in a heap of blankets and pillows on the other side of the bed... just to very slowly peek over the edge of the bed to see if she had been seeing things or not... her body trembling in that blanket she was tangled up in.

Durigon-THA Would watch as Lurlina woke, His crimson eyes widening as he didn't realize she could have been awakened so easily. As She lept back in fright and fell back over the bed, His crimson eyes would widen for a moment. As she peered over the bed like a frightened child, His lips would slowly pinch themselves shut, His Crimson eyes widening a bit more as she struggles to resist laughing as he slowly shakes his head and speaks in a calm and warm tone "Relax Lurlina... You're not seeing a specter. Remember... When we met, I told you that Death was was only a long nights sleep for me.. I meant it" He would then turn slowly as a smile came to his features, looking over his shoulder as he spoke in a calm and even tone "Now try to relax Lurlina, Its time to wake up Pentora." He would then slowly turn back toward his Mate to Bes bed, slowly sitting on its edge as he gently lowered his sword arm hand to cup her cheek, speaking in a warm and loving tone "Wake up my dear Pentora, Its time for this Nightmare to come to its end."

Pentora slightly stirred when she heard the cry from Lurlina, it causing her face to crunch up, though her eyes did not open at first, the dream borns restless form shifting upon the bed, rolling as the weight of her mate would come to settle upon the edge of the bed. The touch to her cheek had her face instinctively rolling towards it, a soft murmur coming from her as she whispered softly, "Durigon?" A blink, another blink and eyes would open slightly, a wince of pain coming to her features as the light within the room began to seep into her eyes for the first time in two days. An instant headache coursed through her body and she would groan just a touch, bringing her hand from infected belly to pounding forehead. "Wh...what happened...where am I?" She asked for a moment, before it all came rushing back to her like a slap on the face and it caused her to snap upwards, "Lurlina...LURLINA!" She looked around frantically for the girl that had become an important part of her life.

Lurlina swallowed and seemed to still be rather uncertain about what he was telling her... it was hard for her to wrap her mind around and really comprehend that he was indeed alive and well. When he woke Pentora up however it had the silvery haired woman to draw in a shaky breath since she was unaware she had been in the same room as her. But... to hear her frantically calling for her... her bottom lip trembled as she began to cry, so much guilt resting upon her features that she tried to hide by burying her face into the blanket, her legs not wishing to move it felt like with how heavy the burden she had placed upon her shoulders of her own accord.

Durigon-THA A Captain of an Army... Head of a household and a man who had lead many others in ventures outside of both, for the first time he could remember.. He had no idea what to say. As Pentora sat up suddenly, calling out for Lurlina in fear, he would slowly and Gently wrap his arms around her, pulling her into a gentle embrace, His sword arm hand resting in her Lilac hair, gently running through it in hopes of calming her as he spoke in a warm and soft tone "She is fine my love" His crimson eyes slowly drifted across the room as He heard Lurlina begin to cry, seeing her face burried in the blankets of the bed... What could he say? He knew by the look in her eyes he couldn't fool her... He knew just by looking her in the eyes she knew, He knew she knew. After a moment of looking to her quietly, He would slowly extend his off hand toward her, speaking in a warm and soft tone "Lurlina, come here. It will be alright"
Word had been sent that a healer was needed in Thallis in the hopes that someone would respond to come heal the Dreamborn Drak. She was wrapped up within the arms that held her, shaking as the fever rocked through her body, causing her to sweat. Even still, she was more concerned about Lurlina...concerned...hurt...still wondering why. She buried her face against Durigon's chest, trying to take in his strength as best as she could. However, there was something within the dreamborn that caused a darkness to come from her spirit. Something that creeped out of her unseen. As Durigon called to Lurlina and told her to come join them, she would lift her head and look to her for a moment. A look would cross her features for a moment, be it disappointment, or hurt...but whatever it was, it was gone just as soon as it got there.

Lurlina swallowed thickly when Durigon had wanted her to draw closer, offering that hand out to her those ruby orbs lifting nervously yet she dared not to look into his eyes... dared not look Pentora in the eye. Her gaze stared at the ground before she would shakily shift, climbing up to stand on trembling legs before stepping closer yet she looked so unsure of herself. She hadn't let go of that blanket, instead she had wrapped it around her a bit tighter as if it gave her some form of comfort. They were illusions made by her mind... they had to be... right? It was hard after all for her to fathom him being so calm and gentle after her actions... that pain in her chest welled again as she was left short of breath, not from a sickness of the physical sort but one that was mentally infesting her thoughts. Shakily she dared to take another step closer... she was trying... even if this was an illusion, it was okay to try and beg for forgiveness... right?

Durigon-THA Would wrap his sword arm tighter around the Sapphire scaled dream, Resting his cheek gently against the top of her head as He whispered to her in a soft, warm tone "Rest now Love, Its all over and everyone is fine. Think on it no more" He would keep his cheek rested in the Lilac hair of the sapphire scaled beauty... How he wanted to avoid the full truth of this, worried how Pentora might take the news of his death... But he was also concerned that Lurlina might have still seen the fate that befell him... Would she tell Pentora? What could he say? What could he do? Simply keeping his off hand held out as he waited for Lurlina to rejoin them, hoping mainly to keep his family from falling apart, He had already almost had it taken from him once.

The guards saw the healer and would guide her into the keep and to the room where Durigon, Pentora, and Lurlina where. It was a bit of a walk through the keep and up the stairs to the second floor where the guest rooms where. Eventually they would make it, and the guard would knock on the door, "Got your healer here boss man." The gruff tone of the guard came from outside. Pentora would lift her head and would look towards the door, wondering what a healer was needed for. She did not realize that an infection had set in, as there was a bit of a haze within her mind as she tried to comprehend everything. She would rest her cheek back against Durigon's chest, closing her eyes for a moment as she whimpered, "I don't feel so well."

Lurlina glanced toward the door when she heard the guard, blinking a few times as if somehow... she was figuring out that she was awake... or really delusional. At Pentora's mentioning of not feeling well however... a surge of fear welled in her as she stepped forward reaching out her hand since she wanted to touch the woman... but she was frightened that if she made contact they would both disappear. She parted her lips, drawing in a shaky breath as if she was about to speak but instead... she turned away and moved to open the door for the healer to enter, wanting Pentora to feel better more then she wanted to get close to her at that moment.

Marren is irritated, period. never has she been summoned all the way across the realm to heal someone in the dead of the night, and her aggravation at the thought of it all is evident when she arrived at thallis. her quarterstaff had been used to rap roughly against the mentioned door, and the moment it opens the wolven bustles inside, robe of the magi rustling with her every move. staff is thrust into the corner by the door, Marren turning almond eyes over those present, recognizing Durigon from several meetings. "well? whats so bloody important some fae bangs my window to pieces at o'dark thirty, hmm? 'healer needed at thallis! urgent!' well here I am!" definitely not a morning person, the wolvens eyes are still red with sleep, her robe on inside out, backpack left behind completely. its going to be a rough day...

Durigon-THA Would look up from where he sat next to the Sapphire scaled dream, His head tilting as Lurlina opened the door, which had almost brought a smile to his face when the Wolfen healers demeanor sparked his own irritation... Dying and returning to find ones mate ill can put an edge on ones temper. His crimson eyes glowed dimly as a grim smirk came to his features, speaking in a cold and emotionless tone "Because the one I love is ill.. And I told that Fae Id tear its arms off if a Healer wasn't at the keep within the hour. That's whats so important" Being a bit more forward with his actions then he would normally be, and slightly more impatient as he let out a faint sigh, his features unchanged as he spoke in a more calm and even tone "I am a fair man, You will be well paid for your efforts. Now please, Tend to my mate" He would then slowly stand up from the edge of the bed, Stepping back to allow Marren to approach Pentora. He would say nothing, his features relaxing as He turned his gaze toward Lurlina, lifting his off hand arm in gesture for her to join him at Pentoras bedside.

Pentora looked at the form that stood within the door, her gaze hazed over as her body is racked with shivers and sweat from her fever. Ray`el had failed to clean her before attempting to heal her, and an infection was slowly seeping through her bloodstream, starting at the core of it all, which was the slice across her belly. Ironic that it was also the slice that had taken her down and nearly killed her...could nearly kill her still. She had been curled against Durigon until that moment when he stepped away from her, and the sapphire dream was too weak to protest. She fell back upon the bed, pale skin bare beneath that scant bit of blanket that covered her. The fresh scars that marked both of her shoulders could be clearly seen. However the one that was the cause of her current trouble was still hidden beneath the blanket, as was the discoloration of skin from the infection. It was slowly eating away at her from the inside, and her body was not able to handle it after the recent fight she had had to endure. Her gaze shifted to Lurlina a moment, then back to Durigon before another shiver passed through her, and her eyes would roll back in her head as darkness consumed her once again. She was too weak to fight it, no matter how hard she tried.

Lurlina had tensed when she saw who entered, but any other reaction she normally would have was halted. No she couldn't let that get the better of her not now... not when Pentora was in such a state. Delusional or not the silvery haired woman would stay quiet and keep off to the side, glancing at Durigon briefly before she would drop her gaze scared to even approach until the dream born had been properly tended to... that look of guilt crossing her expression all over again as she waited, closing her eyes as she released a shaky breath. She just hoped that this wolven would be able to do the job properly.

Marren looks between Durigon and the woman who had opened the door, the girl not looking to be in top condition either. gaze turns back to Durigon, his irritation nothing to the healer. shes the one losing sleep! "tch... Durigon is it? fetch water, she'll be thirsty. not cold water, it'll give her cramps." her approach to the bedside is quick, Marren dropping to sit on the edge of the bed, her palm pressed to Pentoras forehead as the wolven whispers her spell, a sort of sonar ringing through her body and pinging off of the wounds and ailments that plague her. "saw a healer once already, did you?" immediately, almond eyes begin searching the girl, hands pulling the blankets away, moving any clothing until she locates the source. the laceration had been healed poorly, if shes being kind about it, Marren grimacing at the sight before her. "you should be dead. count yourself among those favored by the gods... for now." its bad. the heat rolling from the infected area is enough to tell Marren this girl really will die in an hour, maybe two if she doesnt step in. "whats your name? hey!" hand slaps lightly against Pentoras cheek, trying to bring her back to them, just for a while. "she has to stay awake, or she may not wake again." {Discern Ailment}

Durigon-THA WOuld tilt his head slightly at Marrens words.. Not one to take orders from just about anyone, He was willing to make an acception, He could move much faster then any servant, and with Pentora in such poor health he would ask no questions. He would quickly turn toward the door, his crimson eyes falling on the Porcelain skinned halfblood as he spoke in a firm and urgent tone "Lurlina, stay here. If the healer asks for help, please help as best you can" He would then slip from the mortal realm into the Ethereal, allowing himself to pass through the floor, taking a second to orient himself before passing through the wall between himself and the pantry of the Kitchen. He would return to the realm of flesh, standing amidst the kitchen as He looked about, his sword arm hand clenching into a fist before he finally spots a steel pitcher. He would take hold of it hurriedly before rushing to fill it from one of the many large casks of water in the kitchen. Once It was full, He would rush back along the main hall at a blistering jog, raising his sword arm hand to push through a group of soldiers gathered during shift change, rushing back up the stairs as fast as he was able and making his way back into the room. For the time being, he would stand back quietly to allow Marren to work, having not intention of hindering the healer while she tried to save Pentora... In a way, him from a fate that made even his death seem like child's play.

Pentora did not feel the slap to her face, nor did she feel that rush of magic that would slip over her as that spell was cast to discern what was wrong with her. The infection crept through her body in such a pace that darkness was welcomed to relieve her from the pain. From a distance within her mind, she heard the voices, but she could not speak, could not respond to that urgent call for her to awaken again. Sweat rolled from naked form, a form so pale, that the green bruising and discoloration from the infection would clearly be seen when that blanket is rolled back and her flesh is revealed. Veins of discoloration spread from the center core of that slice to her gut, evident in the blood that pulsed through those veins. The ache within was so strong, that she almost welcomed the thought of death taking hold of her, just to relieve her of the pain. However, the image of her mate, of Lurlina, her family and slowly pulled at her mind, keeping her from succumbing completely to the death that shadowed her doorway. In her unconscious state, new nightmares swept into her mind...nightmares of a crimson dragon....nightmares of a man that had destroyed her upon setting foot upon these lands. One single word would slip from her lips, a word that had been drilled into her head during her time with that dragon...."Nothinggggg." Durigon would know if he was able to focus...he would know what she was being drowned with in that moment...but she was unable to run from that nightmare...unable to hide from the pain.

Marren has no way to know the girls internal struggles, but she knows fevers this high cause delusions and hallucinations. "hold her down, please." said to anyone, or no one. almond eyes turn toward Durigon, narrowing. a seconds hesitation... the girl wont wake, but she really definitely needs to. "if your prone to fits of irrational violence at the sight of loved ones hurting... close your eyes. just so everyone's aware, if I'm attacked, ill walk away and let this woman die." letting that sink in, Marren turns her complete attention back to Pendora and her plight. {Wolven} "i cause you pain, that you may live." spoken as a whisper, Marrens hand presses slightly on the infected area. the agony alone should wake the girl, but Marren chants when she pushes, a dull green glimmer spreading over her hand and seeping into tainted flesh. immediately, the burning in Pentoras very blood would lessen considerably, the discoloration retreating noticeably. "wake up! hey, wake up!" even with the marked improvement, its easy to see theres still much to be done. {Cure Poison}

Lurlina had nodded her head when Durigon spoke to her, the healer's words what was weighing with her heavily now. She stood there and watched, having not moved from that spot even after Durigon returned... that was until she heard that word come from Pentora's lips... then the healer spoke again and that naturally pale woman turned a ghostly white. No... Pentora didn't need to feel the weight of what was tormenting her now and for once as much as she was scared senseless to do it she released that blanket that she had wrapped herself in, discarded the minor comfort that covering had given before she would move and stand at the bedside. She reached a hand out and hesitated, that fear evident in her eyes but she would close them tight and grit her teeth for a brief moment and willed herself with everything she had to have that connection of her flesh against the dream born's own... wait... she was solid. That meant... she wasn't delusional... she wasn't hallucinating from what had happened... Pentora was there and she was in pain all over again and she was dying all over again. A shaky breath was drawn in through parted lips until she sunk next to the bed and cradled the woman's head in her arms. "P-Pen... Pen... Pentora! W-Wake up! P-Please! Please!" she finally forced those words, her own voice almost a stranger to her own pointed ears as she began to cry, those tears rolling down her cheeks and landing upon the woman's own. In her rush she had failed to think of the fact that Durigon was most likely the one having wanted to be at the woman's side or that she was in the healer's way but she couldn't move away not now. Her heart was hammering in her chest, and would be able to be heard by Pentora with how she was hugging the woman's head so gently and yet in a way that showed she was refusing to let go.

Durigon-THA Would nod faintly as He watched Pentora stir in her sleep, letting out a faint sigh as he stood silently with the pitcher of cool water. It was nothing for him to tell the Sapphire scaled dream was having a nightmare, Necromancers all too well acquainted with them.. But he also knew there was nothing he could do to help her right now... And if she wanted to walk the same path, that nightmares where going to become a part of her life. At the command to hold Pentora down, He would drop to one knee almost instantly and place the pitcher down before quickly rising and walking over to his soon to be Mate, Only to find Lurlina charging out ahead of him. He wouldn't give pause as he walked over to stand next to the two, raising his sword arm to place it over Lurlinas shoulder and onto Pentoras to brace her against the bed, His Head turning to look toward the Wolfess healer as he spoke in a firm and serious tone "Abandoning Pentora is the only thing that would draw me to attack you" He would look down to Pentora as he waited quietly, hoping him being this close to her didn't end up upsetting Lurlina.

Pentora was consumed by darkness, feeling a hate swallowing her from the inside. However, something slipped within that darkened mind. A sweet voice, a voice long since having been withheld from her. It started to pull at her, drawing her from that darkest of places. Then the palm pressed against her body, against that spot where the infection boiled, pressing magic and pressure against her. The pain shot through her, so intense that it pulled a scream from the depths of her form, causing her to arch upwards against that palm almost violently. That scream echoed about the room, loud enough to draw the attention of the guards who rushed towards the door and slammed it open in a fit of protective rage. They stood there now at the doorway, watching the scene unfold before them. The naked form of the dream, the poison slowly receding from her veins and returning flesh to a color that was still pale, but did not hold that darkness to the veins. Head would roll back as shoulders lifted from the bed, a shuddering gasp coming from her lips before tears started to fall from the corners of her eyes. Slowly, weakly those eyes would begin to open, the only thing the dream born able to see being that face of Lurlina, her hair blocking anything else. She felt the warm, wet drops of her tears against her face and a weak hand would lift, quietly brushing over one of those tear stained cheeks. Pentora could not speak yet, her mouth too dry to form words, but she would slowly run her fingers through the girls hair and brush it aside so she could see past her. It took her a moment to be able to focus, but her gaze would fall upon her mate, then the wolveness whos hand was pressed against her belly. She opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came but a choked and garbled sound before she coughed.

Lurlina flinched when she first felt Durigon's touch... but it was more from surprise than her usual reaction... he was solid too... the realization of that truly shook the woman to her core. They were both there... When Pentora screamed from the pain the silvery haired woman grit her teeth and whimpered, trembling at the sound of it... It hurt her to hear it but she refused to let go. She needed her there and she wasn't going to fail her now. When she awoke and touched her cheek, those ruby orbs opened and she drew in a shaky breath that relief showing visibly in both expression and body. At her attempt to speak to only end up coughing she would shift before lifting her gaze and turning lightly to Durigon. "Water?" she managed, remembering he had left to get some for his soon to be mate.

Marren had expected the violent reaction from her patient, but the appearance of guards nearly startles the wolven to death, Marren turning quickly on the bed, fists balled, teeth bared in a protective snarl, ready to physically demolish the threat that... turns out to be the guards, doing naught but protecting her own patient. ah... awkward. easing up, Marren huffs at the guards, looking them over before barking out orders, "go, fetch more water, towels, and thyme from the kitchens, and boiling water... and an empty pitcher." with the guards staring at her, apparently stunned that this unknown wolven would presume to give them orders, Marren scoffs, her gaze flickering toward Durigon as she turns her attention back to Pentora, "make them obey. shes coming round, but if we don't move quick all that suffering i just put her through will be for nothing." both hands move now, each resting on differing sides of the original wound, Marren whispering as her eyes close, her {discern ailment} spell ringing through Pentora again, giving the healer the full scope of the sickness inside the girl, and just how close she really was to breathing her last breath. {Wolven} "Shuka Triesta... protect her." biting her lip, Marren glances at Durigon, then Pentora and the girl who had answered the door, forcing a smile. the infection is strong, stronger than the spell she used, too strong. turning her gaze back to the wound, chewing her lip raw, Marren considers her options..... all of her options, and the oath she had taken. gods, today sucks so bad already.

Durigon-THA Would Hear the words of the Wolfin healer, His sword arm hand remaining firmly braced against Pentoras shoulder, Her pained cries cut through him like blades, But he knew this is how things had to be. His crimson eyes would take on a radiant glow as his rage roiled in his minds.. Had they not heard her? His features would twist as the rage fueled energies poured off his shoulders and arms like over fed flames, barking out in a hostile and edged tone that wildly contrasted his usual icy demeanor. "You louts are still here? GET MOVING!!!!" His breaths would be heavy as he wrestled himself, not willing to let his rage break through him now. Hearing Lurlina ask about the water, He would turn his gaze to her, trying his best to ease his features as he nodded, speaking in a firm and serious tone "I'm needed to hold Pentora down, Please get it Lurlina. Be quick"

Pentora was still sweating, the fever having not broken, and that deep infection still there, though it was not showing on the surface. From time to time she would wince, groaning as a fresh wave of pain would move along her form, causing more tears to roll from her violet gaze. When she looked up to her mate to be, he would see the worry within her gaze...that deep seeded fear of the unknown. Was this how he felt when he knew he was going to die? Was she going to die? Was everything she did for naught? Her gaze would shift to Lurlina then and she wanted to ask her why she had left the way she had...but nothing, no words would slip from those parched lips. Another wave of magic rolling through her slender form as it weaved its way to finding that spot within her where the infection refused to leave. It was as if it was suckling hungrily upon what little bit of life she had left. No...she refused to let it win...she could not die...she had a family to take care of. She would weakly reach out for that hand that rested on her belly, nodding to the wolveness...hoping to reassure her in that guidance she would need to eliminate the infection from her tired body. She could not do it herself, she was far too weak to even try to add a touch of magical energy to the wolfess' spells. Her other hand would reach up and curl with Durigon's that rested upon her shoulder holding her down upon that bed. It was then that she did the only thing she knew how to do, she slipped into a deep meditative state and moved into that spot in her mind that was connected to her elder. Szylandrial stepped forward into her thoughts, speaking softly to the dream, that brush of icy breath washing over her, "You fail me dreamborn...if you succumb to this death you fail the purpose I brought you here for. Your journey has only just FOCUS. I will not let you die today my dream."

Lurlina cringed when he yelled at the guards the way he had, drawing in a shallow shaky breath only to hear him speak to her in a softer tone even if it did send chills down her spine just a bit still. Reluctantly she pulled away from Pentora wishing she had the strength to help but she knew she did not. Moving to fetch that pitcher that had been brought up she moved to locate a glass and poured some of that water into it before she would shortly return with the beverage as she grew quiet again, her gaze falling to the floor as she hoped that the dream born would be alright... she didn't know what she would do if the woman died because of a choice she had made... It was painful to watch but she refused to step out that bedroom door, even if she was beginning to tremble anew as she tried so hard to keep her calm.

<Duri-Slips to the background for a bit>

Marren had paid little attention to the going ons. she knows her patients state, knows what time is left down to the minute. the guards had nearly fallen over themselves when durigon shouted, rushing to fetch this and that... mostly fools errands, Marren knows now. but the thyme is essential. licking her lips, almond eyes shoot up to Pentora when pressure is felt on marrens hand, the reassuring look the girl gives the healer only solidifying the choice she had made long, long ago. "by any means.." spoken softly, her smile genuine this time when she sits up straight, "ok listen up... I..." shaking her head, Marren takes a deep breath, a breath that trembles. "cant.. cure the sickness. not alone. but im going to fix this. Durigon..." head tilts, Marren turning a fierce gaze toward the Captain, "cinnamon, garlic, and clove. she needs to eat cinnamon or garlic with every meal for a week. and clove tea every chance she gets. this is important! it'll keep the infection from coming back, after..." her words escape her for once. the usually headstrong, mouthy healer is forced to silence for just a moment. steeling her nerves, the wolven clears her throat, faze turning to "Lurlina, is it? this is equally important. sunshine, and exercise. lots of water, make sure she drinks lots of clean water, clove tea too. and there's a plant called cats claw... only the flowers, okay? just the petals, crush three petals at a time, and it goes in every cup of water, every cup of tea, for the next three days. when the guards come with boiling water and thyme, crush and tear the thyme with your fingers and dump it in the water. make her breath the steam until the water cools, and when its not hot anymore, make her drink it. when im done, i -need- you to find Callie Volopa. tell her what happened here tonight. do that for me." a nod given, the instructions handed out. turning her attention to Pentora, Marren rises, and leans enough to press a gentle kiss to the girls forehead, whispering, "and you... don't waste my gift. now..." both hands press snug against the wound, that centralized location of torment, Marren taking a deep, shuddering breath. "Come to me." a short chant is all it takes, Marren biting down on her lip when she finishes. Pentora would feel it, the burning, razor cut feeling of the infection travelling from her core, up toward Marrens hands, right out of her very flesh and into the wolven, settling in her abdomen where it had rested inside of Pentora. a powerful, yet dangerous spell... it may not heal the laceration itself... but the infection that resulted from the wound is drawn into the healer, leaving the draksen nothing more than exhausted and dehydrated. {Empathic Touch}

Pentora felt the water brought to her lips, the drak taking a long slow drink of it for a moment as Durigon rushed off to get the other items that where needed for her care. This left the three women alone, and Pentora would focus her attention as best as she could on them. Even the guards had scattered like mice, afraid to deal with the Captain's and the wolvens furry. She listened to Marren, to her instructions to those that would be taking care of her, a confusion coming over her features as she heard her say to find Callie. Then, that kiss to forehead, brow creasing as she heard her say not to waste the gift. Her eyes went wide when she realized what the woman was about to do, and she tried to stop her...but it was too late. That spell slipping from her form and into the draks, sinking deeply into her flesh and pulling that infection from her. Lips of pale blue would part as a shuddering gasp came from her body and her eyes flinched closed as the pain was drawn from her form. The scars would remain to remind her of this day, and the day it had happened, but the sickness was drawn free....and into Marren. The drak was weak, exhausted, but her eyes would drift open again, and those tiny crystal droplets of tears would slip along her cheeks as she whispered softly, "Thank you." She knew what she had done for her...and there was no way she would every be able to pay her back for this. She only hoped the healer would survive what she was going to have to endure. She only hoped that the wolveness would not die because of would devastate the sapphire dream if she did.

Lurlina hadn't quite understood what was happening but when the wolven woman told her what she needed to do for Pentora she gave a small nod of her head before watching the two interact... when the pain began to ease upon Pentora's face she released a breath, unaware of what had transpired between the healer and the dream born but never the less she was relieved...enough so that she sunk to her knees and released a soft breath, as her mind was finally beginning to overwhelm her a bit with everything that was going on. She was being given that second chance she had prayed for... the first time she had ever prayed for anything and now to know she was given that chance... brought forth an onslaught of emotions of the likes she had never experienced before and yet for this moment she did her best to hide such even if it did leave her staring off at nothing in particular.

Marren feels it the moment she finishes her spell. forcing her smile to return, Marren nods to Pentora, "don't.. waste it." whispered, soft words spoken as a shaking hand pats Pentoras own. for a moment, Marren seems just fine. shes extremely fit, her body conditioned and trained daily for stamina and strength, both needed by combat medics... but after she rises from the bed, and takes a few steps, the wolven stops in her tracks, shivering violently. oh... so thats what the Dream had felt! no wonder she didnt want to wake. almond eyes search quickly, marren deciding on the exit straight away. trembling legs carry the wolven, fire coursing through her veins, every beat of her powerful heart pushing the unchecked infection through her bloodstream, into limbs and vital organs. {Wolven} "lo, and behold... the world had turned to darkness.." leaving her staff, the healer steps out of the bedroom, past the guards that rush in carrying towels, and water, and jars of dried thyme. even if she summoned a more powerful healer when she first arrived, it would be too late. down the hallway she goes, pulling her robes tighter around her aching body, trying to ward off the burning chill that comes from inside. {Wolven}"only the faithful stood, beacons of light in the endless night." what was the rest? her father had told her once, how wolven had learned the healing arts. he told her the day she was apprenticed. out the front door she goes, almond eyes rolling, the wolven already delirious with fever. stumbling, she feels the firm, coldness of stone against her hands, in front of her.. a wall? good enough. but... what was the rest? {Wolven}"so the Gods gave them magic, asking for but one promise. save lives, by any means neces..." how can it be so hot, and yet so cold at the same time? Deep, quick breaths are taken, the wolven licking her lips, leaned back against the stone wall of Thallis castle, infection and fever running rampant through her body. "shu..ka tries..ta, protect m-me."

Pentora held up a weak hand, reaching out towards the wolven, wishing she could take back that which the woman had taken from her. She watched, watched as the woman began to feel the pain and fever that had rocked her body and left her at deaths door. She watched as the woman stumbled away, and Pentora would find the strength to scream but one word, "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" She knew that she was the cause for the womans pain, and the guilt that washed through her mind and body slipped the sapphire dream into a darkness within her mind that wound its way through her. Mentally, she was changing. Being brought to the brink of death, only to have this was changing her. A deep seeded rage began to build within her, sparking a fire that roared to life in ways no one had seen before from the drak. The gentle kindness that normally bathed her in its light, was slowly beginning to fade...and in its place...was an unspeakable horror that would drive her every moment from now on. She looked over to Lurlina then, arm lifting weakly to stretch in her direction. "Must....find.....Callie...." It was all she was able to say, the dreamborn still racked with dehydration as the guards hurried back in with everything that had been demanded of them. One of the guards dropped to his knees at Pentora's side, holding out the heated bowl of water with the tyme in it. It was brought beneath the head of Pentora, the heated fumes swirling their dancing motions around her face as she breathed it in. She would speak in a firm tone to some of the guards that had stopped to watch, "Don't just stand there...go find her....take her" She knew, knew that life would wilt away from the wolveness if she was not curred of this infection...and it was that that ate at the Drak more than anything.

Lurlina was at a loss of what to do... but watched the healer suddenly fall ill had her blink as the woman went to leave, swallowing as she was trying to catch up on what was taking place before her only to jump when Pentora screamed suddenly having the girl look rather alarmed. Even though she was tormented by such things she motioned for the guards to hurry and go, taking that bowl from the one guard and shooing him off too. She had no idea that Pentora was changing... not yet at least. But with all that had happened she wasn't going anywhere not after the suffering she had caused. She just hoped... that things might become a little more stable... hopefully but it really depended on what Pentora thought, what Durigon thought... she shivered at the thought of Durigon, remembering having removed the dagger from his still form, the one that had been left there after the killing blow had been made... how he had mouthed those words... there was that tightness in her chest again, struggling to breathe as if the very guilt she had for causing all of this to even end up transpiring was choking the very breath from her lungs. She wouldn't talk about it, wouldn't mention how she was feeling... she had no right to after all at least that's how she felt.

Marren sits quite still, outside the castle she had never come to before, leaned against the cool stone wall. the cold, it feels nice really. so much better than the boiling heat from inside, the wolven panting heavily to release heat, in vain. she knew the risk of the spell when she found it, studied it, branded it into her mind. a last resort she had told herself, good to know, just in case. in case what? incase her life ending could keep anothers going. that girl has her life ahead of her now, and Marren is responsible for that. "dont. dont waste it." did she say that aloud? uncertainty. fear creeping into the wolvens heart. shes never died before... will it hurt? more than this damned infection? hurried breaths taken, greedily sucking in as much air as she can, "White Lady, She of Nine Tails... i tried. i saved as many.. as I could. look after Callie," what if the Resurrection doesn't work? shes heard stories of failed attempts. souls that couldn't be brought back, fear of the unknown seizing the wolvens heart, her hand rising to clutch at her chest, tugging her robes open in her delirium, clawing at her chest as if to break the hand clutching her heart, fighting on even now. "look after Morgan, show him the way." so hot... so hot. "Shuka triesta, Lady in White.. save me..." but its not thoughts of despair that carry her away, Marrens death coming amidst memories of happier times. making love to Morgan in the baths, living in Callies village for nine whole months with her family, who, true to vulpine nature, were as kind and caring to the wolven as her own kin would be. its memories of her family that carry her into the Ladies arms, her last breath spent, a smile on still lips, almond eyes closed... she could have been sleeping when the guards found her.

The guards would find the body laying there against the cold stone wall. One crouched down, holding out his arm to the lifeless form, checking for breathing, for movement. Not finding any, he let out a sigh and as one was getting ready to go inside to tell Pentora of what happened, the couching guard would shift to a stand and slam his fist against the other guards chest, "NO! Now is not the time to tell them what happened. We will keep this to ourselves until we can talk to the Captain. If you say a fucking word of this to those girls I will cut your tongue out personally and feed it a hungry mephos, you understand me?" There was anger in the mans gaze, as he stared into the other guards eyes, and the other guard would simply nod. Letting him go, the main guard would step back to the lifeless body, scooping her up into his arms and pulling her to him. He shuddered, feeling the heat that still poured from her lifeless form. To know that this was in the Captain's terrified him. He would look to the others, "I am going to take her to the healers and the temple. Watch over the others until the Captain returns. If anything happens to either of them, it will be our asses and you know it." With that, he turned and walked away, carrying the body of Marren within his arms. Inside the keep, Pentora would look to Lurlina, motioning for her to join her. She needed that comfort right now...she needed the closeness of someone she cared about. Yes, she was angry that Lurlina had left...and left her worried about her. But that anger was driven by her care for the girl.
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Re: Death of a Healer

Postby Marren on Fri Aug 31, 2018 10:41 am

That was by far, hands down one of my absolute favorite scenes to play. I'm glad it was enjoyed, and I'm glad it's remembered here.
Marren, Eolande Keita, Daynar Roke, Syl`Zhalti, Severus
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