Dethsiris: An Introduction

Southern Part of the World with a large Ancient City

Dethsiris: An Introduction

Postby Archaon on Wed Jun 26, 2019 3:56 pm

When one emerges from the portal, they are flaked at either side by equally enormous towers of complete contrast. One one side, a gleaming ivory tower of brilliance; an ode to all things good with magic. On the other side, a massive monolith of cold blackness that is as dark as the magic that it contains. Ahead before the traveller, a long path that extends into the dense jungle that looms ahead of them. Various flora and fauna that, for the most part, has hardly been seen outside of the land that one begins treading upon.

As one progresses through, the sound of feline snarling could be faintly heard. It is difficult to see where exactly the noise comes from as these particular felines have a unique characteristic that sets them apart from any other large cat; short range teleportation. Perhaps they are tracking, or just curious.. one could not tell as they appear and disappear with surprising quickness.

After a lengthy travel, one comes across a rather peculiar bridge. It isn't made of normal stone or wood, but it is made of a rather unfamiliar crystalline substance of unknown origin. A large dome engulfs a sizeable portion of the jungle beyond this bridge, and when one steps through the dome, a whole new world becomes visible.

A once ruined and ancient city complex now reformed into shops and market stalls. Beyond these buildings, a large and equally ancient temple dedicated to Gaea. Rumors abound that this particular temple is, in fact, the very first temple dedicated to Gaea.

Opposite across the land from the temple lay a large domed structure, and beside it, the grand castle that overlooks all across the land. It is here where the Lord of Dethsiris presides, and where the autonamous guard keep their silent and unwavering vigil upon the courtyard.

Shrill cries fill the air, perhaps a familiar noise to some. Overhead, mephos take to the skies to and from the pinnacle of the castle where they make their nests. They are much like Valencian mephos in appearance except their coloring is more dull looking, and it is they who rule the air of Dethsiris.
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