Crystal Sword Lore

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Crystal Sword Lore

Postby Rhezha on Fri Sep 20, 2019 8:57 am

This post is meant to supply a description and proposed lore for the mysterious and powerful crystal swords that can be used by torians. All suggestions are appreciated! I will edit my submission to make improvements to keep this post at the top of the page.

Crystal swords are mentioned throughout many a myth and torian legend. Rumors abound as to their true nature, though none know everything about them. While the swords themselves seem a simple construction, they defy logic. A combat weapon made from crystalline stone that cannot shatter. The benefits are obvious, the crystal has a razor sharp edge and will never dull while whatever magicks hold it together prevent it from cracking or shattering. These swords come in a variety of styles and types of crystal. While the blades are invariably made of pure crystal, whether ruby red, obsidian black, or icy clear, the hilt can come in any style and be made from any material. Some are a remarkable crystal extension of the blade, as if the gemstone had flowed into shape to be wielded. Others are so simple that one would never know it was something special until it was drawn, merely worn leather and tarnished steel. Still more have truly found an artist's touch, the hilt made from exotic materials such as dragon bone and adorned with many embellishments. Regardless of the appearance of the sword however, its power and rarity are undeniable.

The secret of these swords' creation is a matter of debate and few people if any know for sure who or what makes them. Some say that the art of making these swords once lived in the minds of torian master smiths, passed down through generations. It is possible that some artisans yet live, holding that powerful secret of master crafting. Others claim that only dragons have the power to create such weapons, using spells far beyond the ken of mere mortals. Still other legends say that the blades are actually shards from the shattered torian utopia when it was cast down from the heavens. Whatever the case, the magic that holds the crystal together is undeniably powerful. So powerful in fact that their very existence is rejected by the gods themselves. Only those born godless as torians and those paragons of faith that are paladins are able to use these instruments. In the hands of any other, the sword almost seems to lash out with a mind of its own. Swings are soon deflected towards those who would dare to wield one, maiming and even killing those too ignorant or arrogant to heed the sense of wrongness about the weapon. Regardless of how they're created, there's a significant number of them already existing upon Belariath, and many adventurers will delve into deep lairs to obtain even a hilt-less blade. Such pre-existing swords are the easiest to procure, many shops having contracts with the few organizations that collect these fabled blades.

Edits and Credits Log:
Sep 2019: Original Post (Inspired after a scene with Ehlanna)
Oct 16 '19: Added crystal city as possible origin (Inspired after a scene with Kain)
Posts: 90
Joined: Thu Dec 14, 2017 9:21 pm

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