Fireblood - The means to Relife

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Fireblood - The means to Relife

Postby Sorgram on Mon Aug 04, 2008 1:58 am

Written in the scrolls of the ancient Valencian, a mention of the ability to return life to the fallen was made. Further research led to the discovery of the First Scroll. Detailed within this scroll were many aspects of fire and how they were to be utilized for the greater good. Those other aspects are still being deciphered, however, this was the first to be translated and put into practice.

The Reinstitution of Life for those who have had the Ember of Life Removed.

Note: (scribbled into the margin) A suggestion would be imparted to detail to any family or friends specific steps as this ritual can be a bit unnerving if watched by those outside of the Fire and Mountain circles.

Preparation of the body.

The dead should be cleaned. Any wound should be thoroughly removed of blood and viscera. The whole of the body should be thoroughly bathed and oiled in preparation of the soul's return. No clothing or other barriers to the soul's return should be adorning the body, during the ceremony. However, one should cover the body in respect for the living as the sight of a dead body can be disheartening to those in battle or seeing a loved one in such a state. Once the body is prepared as a receptacle of the soul, it should be placed upon Dorsam Dormak. (note: this is the great Celestial Anvil.)

Chant to Awaken the Fire and Mountain.

'Fire and Mountain, our comrade has been taken and our hearts cannot survive without him. Awaken and hear our pleas, allow us to bring him back to us. We beseech your assistance in this.'
(Chanted 3 times)

Then the Priest will take ground ash of the Mountain of Fire, collected during the highest of Noon on the midmost day of the month. The ash will be kept near the Fireblood of life and allowed to absorb the fumes from that Life giving essence for thirty days and nights.

(Note: Research through various tomes of Fire and Mountain, it has been discovered that the Fireblood is the magma or lava which flows through the Mountain and thus is the blood of life for Uvelcra. A vessal has been mounted for this use as the ash should be cooled for handling prior to the ceremony.)

After the ash is applied, thoroughly to the whole of the corpse, the Priest will begin to chant the 'Calling of the Soul.' This chant is to be repeated throughout the covering of the body with the ceremonial ash. Every inch of the body should be covered otherwise there is a chance the soul shall escape. The ash is a temporary vessal until the soul is returned and the body awakened. (note: the ash seems to possess healing properties that will return the body to health, but not the soul.

Calling of the Soul.

'That which has left, return to your home, flee not for the body is whole and Fire and Mountain demands your return. Come to that which you left and be whole again.'

As the ash covering is completed, the torches shall be doused and the only light will be from the lake of Fireblood. If the will is strong enough, the soul will be seen as flickering flame to return and hover near the anointed form. At this time, it will be necessary to call for the Fireblood to be brought forth. Once it arrives, the ceremonial dagger, hollow with a reservoir for the Fireblood, will be presented and inserted into the mass of Fireblood.

Giving of Life

"Lost one, return to that which is yours, by the Fireblood, we give you a vehicle to return. Join the fireblood and become one, the Fire and Mountain shall grant you access to your home again.'

The soul should be attracted to the overwhelming light of the Fireblood and should move it self into the very essence of life. The chant for Giving of Life should be repeated until the soul is enchanted into the Fireblood conduit. Once the essence of soul has moved into the Fireblood, Raise the ceremonial dagger and plunge it into the heart of the dead, Fireblood and soul.

Sealing of the Soul

'Returned to the home, the soul shall remain. You have returned home, awaken and be alive. With this kiss, life shall be yours again.'

A kiss should be applied and breath instilled into the dead. As the ceremony is completed, the final bit of ash will be applied to the wound and the ritual complete. After a time, when the soul and body have returned to unity, the being will awaken, although the life will have been returned but the patient would be in a healing sleep.
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