Heirarchy of the Fire and Mountain

News, information and events at the temple of Uvelcra

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Heirarchy of the Fire and Mountain

Postby Sorgram on Sat Jan 29, 2011 12:40 am

Hierarchy of Ulvecra

Grand Mallus – This is the highest member of the temple. He rules second only to Ulvecra. He is instated by Ulvecra and can only be removed by the will of Ulvecra. This replacement can arise from anywhere, within or without the temple. Usually, the Grand Mallus is chosen from the wisest of the populace although sometimes this wisdom has been found to be a bit lacking. In all things, the Mallus is a formidable politician. He is great at swaying the votes although the color in his speeches if often brown. Although this will at times create chaos, which is a fundamental to worship of the god, it helps prevent some of the political backstabbing that occurs within most temples. However, Ulvecra is rumored to himself have deliberately removed the Grand Mallus by creating a mountain quake during a ceremony and the Mallus was sent plummeting to the great fire pit below with the god waving goodbye from the edge of the pit. It is rumored that the god attempts to communicate by visions to the Mallus, however, the visions are cryptic and sometimes confusing in his desires. Many a Mallus has gone grey from trepidation because of a vision that they have received. One was rumored to have dove into the pit of lava, but this has yet to be confirmed.

Directly beneath the Grand Mallus come three more of Ulvecra’s hammers. These High priests are equal in power and see to the everyday rule of the temple. Two often disagree with the third being the arbitrator who brings everyone else into agreement. They are the Sledge, the Joiner and the Anvil.

Sledge of Ulvecra—he is usually a man of severe faith and unquestioning loyalty to his previous commanders. He will act on orders without hesitation, whether against the law or not. His duty is to obey the will of Mallus, unquestioningly. He is a hard man who is even harder on his subordinates. He has seen more battles than many can count and has the scars to prove it. The Sledge is almost always the former Club, if he has served well. The Sledge is considered the enforcer of the law, which is the command of the Mallus and will follow the order of the Mallus without hesitation and sometimes thought. Although, he is a great soldier, his wisdom is less than that of the other Hammers and is often to be believed to be foolish, though this is false. He tends to rely more of experience than knowledge or wisdom.

Under the Sledge, are two more hammers and are the captains of the military arm of Ulvecra. They are known at the Club and the Jeweler.

The Club is in direct command of the forces of Ulvecra. This small contingent of soldiers, the Nails of the Club, are given the duty to protect the temple from intrusion and attack. The Club is a loyal soldier and has served many years in the temple.

The Jeweler is more of a mystery. Only the Mallus knows his true identity. The Jeweler is rumored to be a rogue or even assassin of some talent. However, no one but the Malluscould confirm this and will not. Even the most trusted hammers are unaware of the true name of this enigma. He works in the shadow and has but a few underlings, which are known as the Gems. Their existence is a rumor and they may not even exist. Hushed voices whisper about them as anyone could be a Gem and many wonder about their loyalties to the temple. Some gossip abounds that they may have infiltrated other ranks within the temple itself or even the temples of the other gods, but this has yet to be confirmed. Other rumors swear they are assassins and leave a small gem of some value on the corpse of their victim. This rumor is often scoffed at as no one has actually seen such an assassination and who would waste such a valuable commodity. Little do these understand the notions of Intrigue?

Joiner of Ulvecra—He is a devout man that is more brains than brawn. His forte is the books of the Temple. He is always found reading a book and loves to regale history to any who would listen. He is a great student of politics and understands the consequences of actions from history better than most. He is often found between the Sledge and the Anvil, mostly preventing one striking the other. He is the direct adviser to the Mallus and buffer between the others. Although he is small in stature, he carries great power in his knowledge. And often has insight beyond that of the others combined. He is usually the wisest within the temple but fails at being a politician. He has a few scholars which serve under him and his successor is chosen from the most intelligent of these individuals.

Anvil of Ulvecra – He is very devout to the law of Ulvecra. He is one that is chosen by Ulvecra to serve because of his piety. He is strict to the laws of the god and is unwavering in the interpretation. He believes that deviations from the law and not allowed should be punished no matter who has transgressed. Even the Grand Mallus. However, he was trained as a soldier and allows that Ulvecra is the supreme deity and will punish the Mallus. However, the Anvil has no hesitation in providing the Mallus with a piece of his mind. This forthrightness has led to blow with the Sledge and often both must be healed by the clerics. To the Anvil, there is no grey area. It is all black and white. If the word is written, it is law. If history shows otherwise, it is not because the law was wrong but the way in which it was enforced was incorrect. He is a paladin of Ulvecra and usually is chosen from the champions which serve under him as upholders of the law. He is also over the clerics of the temple who present the law to the commoners. He brooks no deviation from the word of Ulvecra and expects adherence to the law. Nothing less.
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