Vahris Logs

Work logs for employees at the poison shop. One topic per character.

Moderator: Vahris

Vahris Logs

Postby Greywind on Tue Mar 15, 2011 10:20 pm

Full time/Part Time

Session Start: Wed Jun 25 18:09:24 2008
Session Ident: #TLI-Magic
Session End: Wed June 25 19:11:56 2008

What has been done.

Work Time:
4 Hours per month for Full Time.
2 Hours per month for Part Time.
It is possible to complete these hours at a piece.
Workers going above the necessary time will be given extra compensation.
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Re: Vahris Logs

Postby Vahris on Thu Mar 17, 2011 5:59 am

Full Time

Session Start: Wed Mar 16 23:35:55 2011
Session Ident: #TLI-Magic
Session Close: Thu Mar 17 00:51:48 2011

Checked all plants, watered what was needed, checked on the 'animals' fed those needed. Studied in some of the tomes and made a few parchment pages of notes set under the board with my name on. No customers. It was quiet but I also did a little cleaning. I enjoyed it all.
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Re: Vahris Logs

Postby Vahris on Mon Mar 21, 2011 1:24 am

Full Time

Session Start: Sun Mar 20 18:57:27 2011
Session Ident: #TLI-Magic
Session Close: Sun Mar 20 20:19:22 2011

So quiet tonight but the place was swept and dusted down, all tomes were given a once over with a rag to give them a dull sheen. Some plants were watered and others were fed. Need more flies. Some of the small creatures were fed as well this night. Wrote quite a bit to my journal on what some of the plants reacted to as far as dead flies versus live.
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Re: Vahris Logs

Postby Vahris on Thu Mar 24, 2011 11:18 pm


Session Start: Thu Mar 24 15:34:42 2011
Session Ident: #TLI-Magic
03[15:34] * Now talking in #TLI-Magic
Session Close: Thu Mar 24 18:13:29 2011

Fed and watered plants, worked a bit on own ledger and writings for plants.
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Re: Vahris Logs

Postby Vahris on Sat Apr 02, 2011 6:01 pm

Fairy Mail to Greywind from, SE worker, Vahris ~Subject, cross pollination of a Vine Pitcher Plant and the belladona.~ Report as promised.

Neph`serium or vine pitcher

The lower pitchers make this stunning hybrid a favorite for rooftop displays. Though it prefers warm to hot conditions, it is not too picky and considered one of the easier Nephs to grow. The upper pitchers are also showy, but smaller and more pale in color.
A very beautiful hybrid with purple-red stripes on a wide peristome (lip). The pitchers are green with variable red dusting on the upper half; these are mostly squat-cylindrical and average about 5-6 inches tall on established plants. This dazzling hybrid is a medium sized grower that prefers warmer temperatures.
lower pitchers are often more rotund and arise from stems closer to the ground, upper pitchers are often more slender, small and arise from climbing stems which are farther from the roots. Upper pitchers usually have a tendril that wraps around branches, etc. before forming the pitcher; this is one way Nepenthes can climb into/above surrounding vegetation. They can be grown in a greenhouse, sun room, partly sunny window, or under lights.

Cross-pollination, also called allogamy occurs when pollen is delivered to a flower from a different plant. Plants adapted to outcross or cross-pollinate often have taller stamens than carpels or use other mechanisms to better ensure the spread of pollen to other plants' flowers.
Pollination is the process by which pollen is transferred in plants, thereby enabling fertilization and sexual reproduction. Pollen grains, which contain the male gametes (sperm) to where the female gamete are contained within the carpel, in gymnosperms the pollen is directly applied to the ovule itself. The receptive part of the carpel is called a stigma in the flowers of angiosperms. The receptive part of the gymnosperm ovule is called the micropyle. Pollination is a necessary step in the reproduction of flowering plants, resulting in the production of offspring that are genetically diverse.
The study of pollination brings together many disciplines. The pollination process as an interaction between flower and vector. It is important in horticulture and agriculture, because fruiting is dependent on fertilizations, which is the end result of pollination.
Belladona plant

atropa belladonna or Atropa bella-donna, commonly known as Belladonna, Devil's Berries, Death Cherries or Deadly Nightshade, is a perennial herbaceous plant in the family Solanaceae. The foliage and berries are extremely toxic, containing tropane alkaloids. These toxins include scopolamine and hyoscyamine which cause a bizarre delirium and hallucinations..


Though I’ve been successful in cross pollinating both plants, as the pitcher plant itself yields a sticky substance upon the ‘lip’ of their plant/flower and the belladonna yields a berry which when crushed and juiced and often can be dried for a pasty to ash like substance, has become more sticky in the process on the new hybrid of the pitcher and belladonna plant. While the plants at the different localities showed a parallel relationship toward each other, there was considerable difference in the general quantity of alkaloids produced. Two pickings were made at fairly corresponding stages of growth plants yielded more alkaloids. The yield was still greater than expected. Nothing definite developed to indicate that a relationship exists between the amount of precipitation and sunshine and the percentage of alkaloids produced.

It has now become a sticky substances which can be harvested with careful tools of wood or steel, I much prefer a steel like small dagger to scrape it free from the lip of the plant itself, is sweet to scent and taste, it looks relatively like honey but doesn’t produce a higher yield as I had hoped. While the ‘honey’ like sap, in which I shall term the new plant as becoming as they are still young and harvesting won’t be for another few months, slides from the lip down into the plant. It is harder to get at, meaning if one scrapes to far into the pitcher plant itself, which seems to have become small and more vibrant a rusty to purplish flower looking funnel plant, it seems to damage the plant itself.

So we need to harvest this sticky substance or honey like substance closer to the lip of the outside.

Effective results:

I have ten plants, some growing faster than others, using flies and other beetle bugs for testing on this new ‘sap’ seems 46% less affective than the belladonna poison. The affects are slower acting in some cases and I predict it would take four drops x5 depending on race, to have an affect note worthy. However, while the affect is less aggressive, its also longer lasting as shown in subject C12 of a large winged beetle which was caught inside the plant and struggled for hours before finally succumbing to the poison that turned it an ugly ashen grey in coloration and produced at final results a stiffness to limbs.

I’ve also noted a secondary affect. The honey sap is more substantially sticky than the other and while I’ve not tested it fully, I wonder if this new poison could be ingested from bread, food, anything one would think to ‘spread’ honey upon, that perhaps the tongue would ‘stick’ to ones mouth. Not for any long length of time, perhaps five minutes, perhaps only 3. Unclear how well this would work in the field testing as I’ve yet found a test subject of any race, probably because the growing of the plants has been in secret until this point that I’ve given my report.


I’ve studied both plants for some time and only since being hired within the Silent Embrace could I put words to practice. Further analyzing is needed, the plants are not of mature basics yet to do a full scale testing but their rapid growth is pleasing. The plants are in the back room secured from prying eyes as you may have noticed the many pots I had with dirt that I dug from close by a farms richer soils to achieve a better yield and feeding to roots. I am surprised and yet pleased at the results thus far.. If it pleases the Manager, I can continue my testing’s, if not, the plants should be destroyed so no other dabbles into the work of an Silent Embrace Employee.

It is my hope that this, study and work will yield results over the next few months. However, as time allots and any needed advice thoughts on said work, begets further or more salable results, I'd like a chance to name this new hybrid and said poison it produces.

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Re: Vahris Logs

Postby Greywind on Thu Apr 07, 2011 12:05 am

(I am incredibly impressed.
I don't think anyone else has worked this elaborately in the SE so far.

Wow... Kudos. That is some really good stuff. Very detailed, and researched!

I love how it goes through logical steps and then comes to a conclusion at the end.

It seems.. dare I say it? Professional!)
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Re: Vahris Logs

Postby Vahris on Thu Apr 07, 2011 5:26 pm

*pinches Greys fluffy cheeks* (Thats because Vah.. is very cool headed and professional ;) Thank you very much!)

Vahris. Fulltime.
Session Start: Thu Apr 07 09:24:24 2011
Session Ident: #TLI-Magic
03[09:24] * Now talking in #TLI-Magic
Session Close: Thu Apr 07 12:15:41 2011

Tests: Today I checked on Plant 2A of the new hybrids. Unlike the other nine plants, this one seems to have grown at twice the speed as the others. I was at first, confused, until I checked my ledgers to note I had not fed Plant 2A half as much as I have fed the others.

Conclusion and theory: I believe, since any vine plant thrives and these hybrids enjoy less sunlight than the others, that perhaps the lack of food at this time, encouraged it to survive, to grow longer to catch more of the small insects that are often buzzing about the other vegetation. Survival. I am most excited. I did feed it less than I usually would have this day as I've also done with plants 3A and 4A. I wish to see if the results can be duplicated. Or if it was mere coincidence. Perhaps what was fed last time, had something within its system. Unsure. I've taken four clippings from plant 2A and slipped them apart from the other clippings I took today and set it upon the cill. Will be back later in day to remove it for the duration of twenty four hours from direct sunlight. I estimate a week at best for the roots to be within a half inch length. They must be over an inch before planting as the last subject of 7A proved. Must not repeat mistake.

I spoke at length with a Dwarf whom was wearing the colors of red and gold with a flaming hand print. I assume only from one of the Houses though he did not give his name nor station. Kindly, he was most interested in the poisons that could be inhaled and using large quantities on balista weapons. Spent a great deal of time explaining poisons with him and the quantities that would be needed. Will likely be a returning customer to buy in near future.

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Re: Vahris Logs

Postby Vahris on Thu Apr 07, 2011 5:37 pm

Also, before I had to leave, I've tested the sap on a rat I caught around the alleys of the town.

Thoughts: When first ingested, the rats tongue adhered closely for all of five breaths before it freed itself from between sharp teeth. Within twelve minutes of ingestion of three drops of sap, the rat became groggy as if it had imbibed one to many ales. Subject soon began wobbling and listing from one side to the next where it took up residency within the corner of wooden cage. Unsure, dilation of eye was rapid. Though my study of rats is not up to par with my understanding of foliage.

Conclusion: After twenty minutes, the Rat had a definite affect, the sap aggressive and working through system. This was taken from plant 2A to test my theory that its increasing rate of growth may have improved an increasing rate of poisonous affect. Upon leaving shop, the rat itself was unconscious and twitching from tail to back appendages. Possible it will recover in a few hours. Unclear. Will know when I check back later upon hours gone by. Please if you come across the rat in the back room. Do not disturb it, merely report on what life it may have. If it is back on its feet again, if its eaten any of the grain I set to a small dish in the cage or if said rat seems almost normal or still sluggish and the time you checked. Thank you.
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Re: Vahris Logs

Postby Vahris on Fri Apr 15, 2011 2:04 am


Session Start: Thu Apr 14 19:43:27 2011
Session Ident: #TLI-Magic
03[19:43] * Now talking in #TLI-Magic
Session Close: Thu Apr 14 20:53:32 2011

No customers. Pity.

Floors were swept, counters dusted. Plants fed and watered as well as the animals.

I've noted my experiments are growing at a far faster vining then expected. I've take a sample from plant A9 tonight and smeared it into the rats food. I checked on him before I left but no change other than that sluggish almost drunken gait was noted. Its also one of the larger plants, second to largest. Will test more. I watered each Don tonight a bit more than usual. The leaves have a bit of a waxy feel, more so than I would have thought. I must keep an eye on this.
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Re: Vahris Logs

Postby Vahris on Thu Apr 28, 2011 6:51 pm

Vahris Full time
April 28th

Session Start: Thu Apr 28 10:29:11 2011
Session Ident: #TLI-Magic
03[10:29] * Now talking in #TLI-Magic

Session Close: Thu Apr 28 13:43:24 2011

Noted that my hybrids seemed almost wilted. Must cut down on water intake, not over-watering this week to see how well they take to it. Fed all animals and pitcher plants. Sold Meadows Saffron to one James Sir. Why he wished his Sir behind his name was beyond me. I try to accommodate all that enter. After explaining the poisons affect depending on how much is used, I offered to give him a demonstration. He was quite ill on just a little of the pulp. But he wished to know how much and how little such doses would affect said person he decided to use it on. I also showed how to properly apply it.

<Vahris-SE> !shopitem sell James`Vodera 522 300 Mhl
<Desdaemona> -- Selling ShopItem 'Meadow Saffron' to James Vodera for 300 Mhl and 0 Copper
<Vahris-SE> !shopitem sell James`Vodera 522 300 Mhl
<Desdaemona> -- Selling ShopItem 'Meadow Saffron' to James Vodera for 300 Mhl and 0 Copper
That sir, is highly illogical.
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Re: Vahris Logs

Postby Vahris on Thu May 05, 2011 2:26 pm

Date: May 5th
Worker: Vahris Full Time

Session Start: Thu May 05 08:47:29 2011
Session Ident: #TLI-Magic
03[08:47] * Now talking in #TLI-Magic
Session Close: Thu May 05 09:24:03 2011

Observations on 'The Don'; While the vine hybrid seems to be vining out a quick rate, I do note that the pitcher flower itself is slim and has become a dark purple. It reminds me of a very finely made teacup. An interesting agenda for the plant to take. The sap is more abundant further into the 'flute' and a few collective drops of it are proving adhesive to flies and frogs although I have noted the honey bees are careful where they land.

I've taken several of the cut leafs from the glasses of water as the roots have grown long and spindly and its time to plant them. I've hung all four to either side of the window to catch only a few rays as they seem to prefer the cooler shadows come mid-afternoon hours.

The Shop itself is now clean, ledgers put in place, my own personal ledger has my findings within its parchments for the last few days.

Recommendation on hybrid? Another few weeks and we can begin harvesting the sap. Right now, its stage is near a milky connotation and the stems are far more solid and less waxy. Noted in my own ledger.

All animals and plants were watered, checked on and fed. No customers, but I shall return later in the evening.
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Re: Vahris Logs

Postby L`aquera on Thu May 26, 2011 5:08 pm

Session Start: Thu May 26 10:36:51 2011
Session Ident: #TLI-Magic
03[10:36] * Now talking in #TLI-Magic
Session Close: Thu May 26 11:48:57 2011

No customers but test subject of rat b3 took a double dose of the new poison from The Don. It took 1 minute 20 seconds to go into affect, it took only 6 seconds for the stickiness of the plant itself to adhere the rats tongue to the roof of his mouth.

Will check on him later.
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Re: Vahris Logs

Postby Vahris on Thu Jun 23, 2011 6:42 pm

Well, time has passed so I can apologize for that. I was in today and put out the new cross polinized plants I've managed to successfully grow. A mix of Night Shade and Poison oak, lovely things, dark purple viney thick leaves shot through with blood red and dark green veins. They sport small thin shaped berries and white flowers and the leaves underneath are silvery in coloration. Low to the ground about three inches to height I don't believe in my estimation, they will grow any taller. Width wise, I surmise every year that goes by, they will bush outwards more and more.

The fine powder upon the leaves is hard to note, grown only at the crux and outer edges of each leaf, it is highly spreadable by even a touch, a stiff breeze, clinging to the oil of flesh and generally gets everywhere if you are not carefully. It causes liaisons of the flesh, becomes a dark mottled purple and pink as it spreads and exudes puss if scratched only spreading the poison of it further.

Once its begun to spread, its nearly impossible to stop until its run its course over a two week period of those open sores and the spread of raised mottled itchy flesh. It is easily given to others if they touch any of your flesh infected.

Findings on cures:
Easily enough controlled with the application of rose oil and garlic mixed well with aloe. It must be crushed, the flowers of the roses and the garlic must be crushed and then rolled out, the aloe once spread, mixes with the other two to make a fine oily paste that can be spread across liaisons and raised welts of that itching flaky flesh. It takes four days of constant application to cure it.

Overall findings:
While definitely a plant that can be sold now as low shrubbery around ones home and castles to keeps alike, its vining bush like quality is highly contagious if touched and a deterrent to thieves or those that would sneak onto your property, there is not anything better. However, it takes a full twenty minutes for the itching and spreading to take affect. While in some cases such is perhaps viable, leaving the thief to wonder what happened, until he tries again at another home, he wouldn't understand nor think it the new variety either. Some highlights, some downfalls.

When can we sell?:
Immediately as I've brought twelve plants into the shop. Price suggested? 10 mhl per plant and we will offer to plant each one at the property lines. They do catch to water rooting immediately at clippings and can be planted within one week of doing so. The flowers will spread the seeds about quickly into the surrounding earth, needs to be contained by a form of meshing to keep the vining plants where the property owner wishes them.

I haven't a name, though I do like Night Oak the best.

Work hours...

No customers, very quiet.
Fed and watered plants to animals.
Window is open.
Session Start: Thu Jun 23 12:12:51 2011
Session Ident: #TLI-Magic
03[12:12] * Now talking in #TLI-Magic

Session Close: Thu Jun 23 13:29:19 2011
That sir, is highly illogical.
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Re: Vahris Logs

Postby Vahris on Fri Jul 08, 2011 8:19 pm

Session Start: Fri Jul 08 10:34:59 2011
Session Ident: #TLI-Magic
03[10:34] * Now talking in #TLI-Magic

Session Close: Fri Jul 08 14:45:11 2011

Fed and watered the plants. Fed the animals. No customers :/ I think we need to advertise to hire people and perhaps, offer a sale with The Don as our draw in. It is more then ready now to be sold as a poison. Diluted to three stages with a light affect and a stronger affect each time.
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Re: Vahris Logs

Postby L`aquera on Tue Jul 12, 2011 4:20 am

<@Vahris> !shopitem sell Winterstar 90 0 mhl Voucher for SE
<@Desdaemona> -- Selling ShopItem 'voucher' to Winterstar` for 0 Mhl and 0 Copper
<@Vahris> !shopitem sell Saieca`Merona 90 0 mhl Voucher for SE for 200
<@Desdaemona> -- Selling ShopItem 'voucher' to Saieca Merona for 0 Mhl and 0 Copper

Vouchers sold for 0 mhl for the Valencian Midsummer Festival
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