Umbara Air Spells

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Umbara Air Spells

Postby lyllamarie on Sat Jun 18, 2011 3:08 am

Common Air Sphere

Dust Devil:

lvl required: 10
casting method: ranmagatk
defense method: ranmagdef

Description: Air Mage x 1:

Using nature by example, this is typically one of the first spells an Air Mage masters, summoning up a terribly swift spinning Dust Devil to assail their foes. Though no raging tornado, the little whirlwind kicks up stinging dirt and debris, or if used indoors can even pick up small knives and forks. By no means a devastating spell, it still has its uses in a bind, and is particularly handy when the Air Mage finds himself in the unfortunate situation of being alone against many. The Dust Devil will roam between foes, as if having a mind of its own.

:MECHANICS: Standard ranmagatk is made to determine success of spell, though any damage dealt is halved. If fighting multiple opponents, the Dust Devil will ‘bounce’ from enemy to enemy, for as many times as Air Mage has been selected. The initial ranmagatk roll applies to each bounce, with each enemy defending against it. Though the bounce effect does not come into play in one on one combat, it –can- hit the same enemy twice, just not in a row. I.E if Tickles and Tripod the Goblins attack Joe the Air Mage x 5, and Joe then casts Dust Devil on Tickles, the spell will bounce between the two of them up to 5 times, resulting in up to five def rolls. A successful def roll will halt the bounce effect. In larger groups, Desdaemona determines bounce order after first attack, by way of !choice.

Lightning Bolt

Level required: 10
Class required: Air Mage
Casting method: ranmagatk
Defending method: ranmagdef

Description: Air Mage X1:

The first spell an Air Mage learns and the last they ever master, the lightning bolt is the signature spell of their craft, and has the potential to be one of the most devastating. Using their own body as a conductor, the mage channels a bolt of lightning that can seem to leap in wild and random arcs, but will almost always hit the mage’s intended target. Channeling such potent energy is a dangerous game, as there is no real limit on the voltage one can summon up out of the Natural world, only on what the mage can physically and mentally endure. Thus the more adept the mage becomes, the more immediately deadly this spell grows.

:MECHANICS: A Ranged Magical Attack roll is required to see if the Air Mage properly strikes his opponent. Should he succeed, the damage is determined by the Air Mage's INT score. 1 point of damage is suffered for every 5 points of INT that the Air Mage possesses. An additional 3 points of damage is accrued if the opponent is clad in at least 'partially' in metal armor. Studded leather will not suffer this penalty, but splint mail 'will'. Int based damage cannot exceed 50.

Defensive Winds:

Level required: 15
Casting Method: clomagatk
Defense method: none

Description: Air Mage x 2

The Air Mage encircles himself in fierce winds capable of deflecting the fastest flying projectiles, and even repelling the swing of a sword or the reach of a caster's hand in some circumstances.

:Mechanics: This spell lasts 1 round for every two slots invested in it, to a max of 8. The casters roll influences the potency of the spell. If their roll is less than their total Res, the caster receives +2 defense against any ranged physical attacks made against them for every 1 slot in the spell, and +1 defense against all other attacks, magical or physical, for every 2 slots in the spell, to a max of 8. If the casters roll is equal to or higher than their total res, the caster receives +3 defense against any ranged physical attacks made against them for every 1 slot in the spell, and +1 defense against all other attacks for every 1 slot in the spell. This spell does not stack with the spells physical or Magical armor, and will replace/be replaced by their effects.

Palm of Winds

Level required: 15
Casting method: clomagatk/ranmagatk
Defense method: clomagdef/ranmagdef

Description: Air Mage x 2

A signature spell of the Air Mage and one of their more destructive, the Palm of Winds takes many forms; typically a powerfully out-thrust palm and barked incantation which sends a man flying into a wall with a sickening thud, though it could be something as deceptively sultry as a blown kiss, or as crass as a particularly rude gesture scuffed off ones chin. Whatever the style, the impact is the same... and considerable.

:MECHANICS: This spell can be used at range, or as a close range attack, which must be declared before casting. Used at a distance, a standard !ranmagatk is made, with no effect beyond standard damage. If used at close range a standard !clomagatk is made. Following the damage roll of a successful attack, the victim must roll agility. If their agility roll isn't equal to or greater than the result of the damage roll, then the impact with the object behind them or their violent tumble on the ground leaves them dazed and injured, impeding their ability for the rest of the fight with both 1 additional damage for every time air mage has been selected, and a -1 to all rolls for every time Air Mage has been selected until healing has been received (i.e The spell heal, or drinking a heal potion). This effect –does- stack to a max of -15 to all rolls if the spell is used again, but casting successfully at close range comes with a cost, heavily staggering the mage and stunting their following defense roll by 30%. The effects of this spell wear off at the end of combat.

Chain Lightning:

Level required: 17
Casting method: ranmagatk
Defending method: ranmagdef
Prerequisite: Lightning bolt X10 or Energy Bolt X10

Description: Air Mage X2:

One of the most punishing spells available to Air Mages, this spell requires a great deal of concentration and preparation, as the conjuring of such energies consumes considerable time. Upon a successful casting, bolts of lightning shoot forth from the Air Mage's hands and toward his chosen target. Should the Air Mage know the spell well enough, and he impacts successfully against his chosen target, he can then redirect that spell against other targets. However, this secondary attack will be at a weakened state.

:MECHANICS: :MECHANICS: This spell requires that the Air Mage spend 'two' rounds casting this spell and if he is damaged during these preparation rounds, his spell is ruined and he must begin again. Making a Ranged Magical Attack against his opponent, should he succeed in getting the spell off, his opponent takes double damage from this spell's intensity. For every three slots in this spell, the Air Mage can target another enemy with this spell. However, for every target after the first, the damage is weakened in the following order. Target two Normal damage (@100%), target three @75%, target four @50%, target five @25% and target six @10 percent.

Level required: 30
Class required: Air Mage
Casting method: ranmagatk
Defending method: ranmagdef

Description: Air Mage X5

Though neither the flashiest nor the most cunning display of an Air Mage’s power, this spell is still un-debatably one of their most deadly. Focusing on the very air their opponent breathes, they master every molecule carried on a single inward breath, and send that breath dashing from the victims lungs... near crushing them in the process.

:MECHANICS: This is a typical !ranmagatk vs !ranmagdef. If the opponent loses the roll, he is left gasping or clawing for breath, taking normal damage in addition to losing 1% to atk rolls for each slot in the spell. This spell will last for one round for every time the Air Mage class has been taken. Lung crusher cannot be cast again until the duration has run out. This spell does not stack with any other spell induced impairment except those found within the Air sphere.

Common OOB Spells:

Cushion of Air
Class: Air-Mage x1
Attack: n/a
Defend: n/a
Spell Type: Common OOB

Allows the caster to make a mattress of air or visible cloud. This cushion feels like a wondrously comfortable down comforter and can be used to slowly float about as well.

Mechanics: It takes one round to summon either an invisible swath of air or a visible little cloud which can only be used by the caster. The cushion can be wrapped around the caster like a blanket or sat upon. The cushion can levitate in place and even float around, but no higher than 10 feet off the ground. If summoned while higher than 10 feet, the cushion will slowly fall. At Air Mage X3 Another person can join the Air mage upon the cushion, but it must remain stationary. At Air mage X5 Two people can join the airmage upon the cushion, but it must remain stationary.

Lightning Bind:
Level required: 10
Casting method: ranmagatk
Defending method: ranmagdef

Description: Air Mage X1:

A potent spell often used to discipline a slave or to make a point without charring one's enemy, the Air Mage conjures bindings of energy that leap forward from his hands toward his enemy. Should the bindings successfully strike, a contest of wills begins. Even as the bindings take hold of his opponent, the Air Mage is unable to do anything more than concentrate on maintaining his grip on the trapped opponent. Any successful attack on the Air Mage dispels the Lightning Bind and will disorientate the Air mage so much at his opponent will find himself able to flee or attack whether the Air Mage wishes it or not. Continuing to hold the opponent in Lightning Bind is a draining thing for both the Air Mage and his opponent, though the Air Mage loses his strength so much slower than his opponent, obviously. It is possible to render someone unconscious from this spell, but no damage to their flesh is possible from overuse.

:MECHANICS: A standard Ranged Magical Attack and Defense is required, and should the opponent fail his roll, he is immediately caught and immediately begins to lose 1 point of Stamina for every slot of Lightning Bind that was expended in the Air Mage's attack. Each round thereafter, the opponent is allowed to roll another Ranged Magical Defense against the original Ranged Magical Attack, and should he succeed, he is immediately given the initiative in combat for whatever he chooses to do. The Air Mage himself loses 1 point of Stamina for every 3 slots of Lightning Bind expended in his original Attack roll, every round that he holds his opponent. Neither Air Mage nor opponent may roll to regain Stamina while this spell is in effect.

Ride the Air:
Level required: 10
Casting method: none
Defending method: none

Description: Air Mage X1:

Not only quite capable of flying off on the lightest breeze with ease, the Air Mage might often have a mind to take you with them. With enough skill and concentration, the caster can sweep the willing or unwary off their feet, cushioning them in a cocoon of swift-spinning winds and carrying them off into the skies. There are limitations to how much weight a Mage can bear, and just how high they can fly... but these lessen the more learned they become.

:MECHANICS: Casting this spell, the Mage can bear one person/object through the skies. At air mage x1, the caster can bear a weight of 100 lbs, to a height of 20 feet. Air mage x 2 can bear a weight of 200 lbs, to a height of 40 feet. Air Mage x 3 can bear a weight of 300 lbs, to a height of 60 feet. Air Mage x 4 can bear a weight of 400 pounds, to a height of 80 feet. Air mage x 5 can bear a weight of 500 lbs, to a height of 100 feet. Cannot be used in combat, any attack made against air-mage while carrying a person/object will force them to land, sacrificing their attack round to do so. OOC consent required when used on a PC.

Enlil's Grace
Class: Air-Mage x1
Attack: n/a
Defend: n/a
Spell Type: Common OOB

This spell creates a large circular cloud of air that catches anything or anyone that falls upon it. Used for those moments when the best get away is jumping off a cliff with your friends or when that priceless vase is about to fall and you’re across the room.

Mechanics: This spell must be done within an action of the individual or item falling in order to catch them in time. It can hold up to the casters weight x2. The caster must then continue to concentrate until the object or person has safely landed, or risk dropping them prematurely should something come along and distract them.

Wind's Folley
Class: Air-Mage x1
Attack: n/a
Defend: n/a
Spell Type: Common OOB

Air is a primordial element best known for its sometimes fickle blessings, to the blustering gale that ruins one's hair, to the lack there-of during a high sea's adventure. This spell allows the Air Mage to continue in such a tradition, manipulating the air from a gentle puff to a steady current of wind as their skill in the element increases.This is especially useful if one needs to fill the sails of a ship, or to gently blow a letter to the next occupant.

Mechanics: This spell takes up one full action, allowing the caster to manipulate the air by will and hand gesture. It cannot cause property damage without OOC consent, and is not considered strong enough harm any living individual.

Air-Magex1 - Can manipulate a small puff of cool air, directing it to a general area; however control can remain scattered.

Air-Magex2 - Can manipulate a gentle to moderate breeze, directing it to a general area or target; control is still a bit scattered, but they can now change the direction of the air flow. Chairs can be over turned if empty and small items can be pushed a few inches or so.

Air-Magex3 - Can manipulate a moderate to strong breeze, directing it to a specific or general area, control is better so they can focus it on one or two individuals at a time. Chairs can be over turned if empty, tipped if someone is sitting; small items can be pushed a few inches up to a few feet.

Air-Magex4 - Can manipulate a small to strong breeze, directing it to a specific area or person, control is moderate to expert. Chairs can be overturned if someone is sitting in them; small to the size of a table can be pushed a few feet. The Air Mage can now moderate the temperature of the breeze in subtle notches, turning a cool breeze to warm, or vice versa.

Air-Magex5 - Can manipulate a small puff to gust of air, directing it to a specific area or person, changing direction, moderating the temperature in small degree's and showing themselves to be the Master's of such an element. They can overturn furniture both empty and filled, or open windows, fill a sail or push objects several feet if not impeded.

Whispers on the Wind
Sphere: Air
Class: Air mage x 2
Attack roll: N/A
Defense roll: N/A
Spell type: Anywhere

This form of message spell allows for the Air Mage to utilize the wind as a carrier of sound. The spell itself funneling the spoken word both towards and from their intended audience or target. It can be utilized to discretely communicate with another, or to listen in on a conversation from afar. The downside of course, the volume of those sounds is not easily controlled, so not only could moderate to loud conversations be heard by others, but could easily deafen the Air Mage if he is not careful.

For every slot put into the spell, one exchange of words can be heard by the carrier and chosen target the caster chooses to reply to. If the exchange is one sided, as in the caster wishes to listen in on a conversation, they are limited to within a radius of 10 ft per times the Air Mage class is chosen. No more than fifteen words can be heard at a time. OOC consent is required if listening in on a conversation. If the Air Mage comes into contact with a particular loud noise, yelled or blown, a roll of half or more of their RES must be done or they suffer deafness for 1 round or action following.

Passage of Wind
Class: Air-Mage x4
Attack: n/a
Defend: n/a
Spell Type: OOB only

The element of Air is known as one of the premiere methods of travel, it's currents moving endlessly in the higher stratosphere like the underwater routes of rivers and oceans. The more accomplished Air-Mage utilizes this power, not only to fly as those born to it, but to also travel great distances in a short period of time. The mage must be in flight or a good distance above the earth in order for this to be done, with an idea that the end point is clear of ground or obstructions around it. Once casting commences, they will appear to have walked through a tunnel of wind, clouds and lightning, appearing again on the other end of the wind tunnel, if albeit slightly disheveled.

Mechanics: The casting takes two full uninterrupted rounds, requiring that the Caster be in flight or a minimum of fifty feet above the ground or any obstructing elements from the sky above. They must focus on a point they have visited within the last 6 months, a point equally unobstructed where they will appear. Limit is 25 miles per times Air Mage class has been chosen. At the end of the second round, they may enter the tunnel and will appear at the end of the fourth action or round.

Umbara Air Sphere

Static Spark

Level required: 15
Casting method: clomagatk
Defense method: clomagdef

Description: Air mage X2:
The great thing about static electricity is that it lingers a long while; like a clever cat, waiting for its moment to pounce. Those who specialize in mastery of the wild energies air can be bent into producing take this to a whole new level, generating a deceptively tiny static spark that will orbit around their figure at a languid pace... just waiting for someone to get close enough for that choicely satisfying moment.

:MECHANICS: A standard !clomagatk is made but not immediately defended against. Instead the result of that attack roll is remembered for as many rounds as slots are invested in the spell. If an enemy makes any close magical or physical attack while this spark is circling the mage, they must then defend against that remembered value. Each spark is a one time use, and once triggered is gone until the mage recasts.

Ball Lightning

Level required: 20
Casting method: ranmagatck
Defense method: ranmagdef

Description: Air Mage x 3:

For those who’ve started down the path of not just channeling lightning but bending its energy into a new and varying forms, ball lightning is a deadly step toward mastery. Whether they form a crackling orb of light between their gnarled fingers the size of a pumpkin or a tiny little sphere alight like the world’s most radiant pearl, the effect is the same. Though not striking with near the explosive force of a well channeled lightning bolt, the energy lingers in the Mage’s opponent; seizing up their muscles and slowly cooking them from the inside out.

:MECHANICS: A standard !ranmagatk is made. If successful, damage dealt is equal to slots invested. An additional 1 point of damage is dealt each round following for as many rounds as the caster has selected Air Mage. In the following round, attack rolls of the victim will be halved, defense rolls reduced by 25%. Though extremely effective, this spell costs 2 stamina per slot invested, so is not to be cast lightly. After a succesful hit, this spell cannot be cast again until the effects wear off the victim. This spell does not stack with any other spell induced impairment except those found within the Air Sphere.

Static Shield

Level required: 25
Casting method: ranmagatk
Defense method: special

Description: Air Mage x 4:

One of the most powerful warding magics known to Belariath, the Static Shield is meant to make any attempt to get up close and personal with the Air Mage seem like a –very- bad idea. Although not a flashy spell, its presence when cast is clearly felt by all; the hair standing up on the backs of necks for a good quarter mile in all directions. Whenever a blade seeks the casters flesh or a hand with malicious magic on its fingertips reaches out to touch the Mage, a jolt of violent energy strikes the attacker...punishing those who dare to get too close.

:MECHANICS: Upon casting, int+res+slots is rolled to determine the strength of this spell, which will last 1 round for every 2 slots invested, to a max of 8. Whenever a close attack is made against the caster, its value is matched against that of the above roll. If the enemy attack is of a lesser value, 1 damage for every 3 slots invested in casting is automatically dealt to that enemy. This damage is doubled if that attack is a hit. If an enemy attack has a greater value than the casting roll, that attacker is only dealt a single point of damage. As well as the standard cost to cast, 3 additional stamina is drained every time the damage effect takes place. This spell stacks with defensive winds ONLY, and cannot be used with any other damage shield or defensive spell.

Lightning Storm

Lvl Required: 30
Casting method: ranmagatk
Defense method: ranmagdef
Requirements Lightning Bolt X10

Description: Airmage X5

Though not so quick to anger as a pyromancer, an Aeromancer's wrath comes like black clouds on a sunny day, raining down a kind of fire just as deadly. When out in their own element surrounded by that which makes them who they are, the Air Mages of Umbara have found the ultimate expression of their craft in bending the skies themselves to their will. With intense concentration they roil the skies above into a cauldron of ominous cloud, charging the air above until white-hot streaks of lightning shower the battlefield, seemingly at random.

:Mechanics: This spell takes two full rounds of casting, with a standard !ranmagatk made at the very end of the second round if casting is uninterrupted. At the start of the following round, a !choice roll must be made, listing each combatant, including the caster and any allies. Whoever is selected besides the caster must defend against the original !ranmagatk, damage dealt being standard. This will take place at the start of each full round for every 3 slots of the spell invested in casting. If the caster is selected, they receive 1 stamina for every 3 slots invested in casting. This spell can be cast outdoors only.

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