Contest for Mockery Day & Hallowed Eve

Items of interest to bards, artisans and entertainers generally

Moderator: Tehya

Contest for Mockery Day & Hallowed Eve

Postby Tehya on Mon Oct 24, 2011 4:08 pm

Contest Pumpkin Carving! Best Description of a pumpkin carved ...or an original picture:

Contest for the best Art & Poems for Mockery Day & Hallowed Eve Ball

Winners will be announced at the Ball which is going to be held on Oct. 29th 4pm est

Enter Work Here! Winners Receive Prizes!
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Re: Contest for Mockery Day & Hallowed Eve

Postby Fariday on Thu Oct 27, 2011 5:05 pm


When all is said and done, you'll see
The reason for this trickery
Torturous screams of agony
A night of fun and games for me

The howling wolf will sit and stay
The feral dogs will bark and bay
The black cat walks into the fray
And by the night's end you will pray

All the power you possess
Will never help you nonetheless
For for all my games will leave you less
Than human, beast folk, I digress

Walk into my path and then
We'll play some funny games and when
The screaming of the other men
Stops, I'll just make them start again!

Oh! What fun we'll have you know,
And in the blood-red lunar glow
I will drink the sanguine flow
And thirst then quenched my true form show

What fun we'll have, just you and me
A night of howling agony
So can you now the reason see?
The reason for this trickery?
Let the blood flow,
Let the tears fall,
Open your tired eyes
And realize that you're just too late.
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