February 15 Edition ((Happy Valentine's Day))

Editor: Auryn, Assistant Editor: Kesrin, Reporters: Doppler Zero, Lorelei, Vysanth, onyx, Saret

Imperial Temple Opening by Doppler Zero, Assistant High Priest, Temple Scholarmaster

The newest facet of the empire in Nanthalion has come to light as the massive structure of the Imperial Pantheon. It houses large, ornate temples the likes of which have not been seen near the city before. The central religion of the temple, that of the Goddess Ishtar, has thus far been the predominant reason for visitors to wander in, as well as the courtesans that accompany worshipping the Goddess of Pleasures. But Ishtar's religion isn't the only one set to be there.
    There is an official Grand Opening celebration planned sometime in the near future to commemorate the full opening of the temple and all of its wings to the public. The various wings of the temple are said to house shrines to most of the other major gods of the various peoples of the region, as well as being staffed soon with the wisest religious scholars and priests from all over. The new temple is looking to hire interested people for various work from courtesans to the clergy. Being that the workings of the temple are quite complex, from having a kitchen staff to a contingent of slaves, almost anyone will be welcome there.
    For now though, the temple is open to the public, and various employees give tours of the people, as well as explaining to them the purpose of the Imperial Temple. It is the wish of everyone, including the Emperor Stormbringer himself, that the temple become a bright facet in Nanthalion. With all of the commotion about it, even before it's Grand Opening Ceremony, it is a good omen for the future of the temple and those that seek to follow the path of their faith.

Heads Roll as the Healers Guild’s Assailants are Brought to Justice by Lorelei

One of the most venerable institutions in all of Belariath, the Healers Guild is renowned for its benevolence and altruism. Such a sterling record of service makes recent events all the more puzzling. For over the past weeks, the citizens of Nanthalion and the entire Empire have been transfixed by tales of dastardly violence and fell magics befalling the Guild and its members. But fear not, gentle reader for through swift action, the Emperor's justice has been delivered through his chosen instrument, the Grand Duke Korgewrath. Now that the tale is done, travel with us behind the walls of the Healer's Guild and into the depths of the Imperial dungeons and allow us to share the story of these days of strife and bloodshed.

    This most recent cycle of violence started with an arcane attack on the Guild House itself. Previous accounts describe a 'writhing darkness' accompanied by an 'odd music' which caused the windows of the building to shatter. Explosions and flames engulfed the building and a 'wavery and indistinct' figure of a dragon or drak sen was seen to be fleeing from the scene. This was corroborated in our discussion with one of the witnesses, the gentle cat person healer Mayen. So while the destruction was great, it was revealed to us that the inspiring courage of Morrigan Steel and Marr Shadowbull helped limit the damage.

    Afterwards the attacks continued except the focus shifted to the healers themselves. His identity and motives unknown, some we spoke to styled this foe 'Abattoir'. On at least two occasions, he disguised himself as a wounded elf or cat man seeking aid. Abducting the very healers who sought to aid him, Abattoir raped and tortured them, apparently seeking to break their will before releasing them. Speculation amongst Guild members suggests that Abattoir used the Message spell and music to beguile his victims, luring his prey into the forest. Obviously, skilled in magic and music, he has always appeared as a man. And of the prominent citizens named as suspects by Mayalaya, a mere four are male. Spared from the Imperial headsman's axe, the claims of innocence by Belson, Scathien and Dakiras appear validated. Though Kalagoth did earnestly protest and proclaim his blamelessness, his fate was far different.

    For in light of such egregious violations, the Emperor moved with breathtaking speed and righteous violence. Ten have been brought to justice, their bodies broken, their heads now adorning pikes for all the world to see.
They are the aforementioned Kalagoth Trinn, Elf/Catperson skald and suspected Necromancer, Trephant the tone deaf bard, prudish Siti, nymph of the south field pond, Grewk the Goblin, blind Kutu Bleeth the crippled and deaf cat person, Tikutina the fey whore who gave poor head, Bob the Bartender, two unknown vagrant males and a horse.

    In the wake of these events, we spoke to Homunculis, a high ranking chirot guard in the Guild. To prevent future attacks from Abattoir or other foes, he is "instructing the guards to be more aggressive, as the weak limp-wristed measures of the past are obviously failing….In the past the guild was an open target for anyone with a point to prove in this town. Now the attacks have decreased and the antagonists are whining about neutrality. Looks like I'm doing something right."

"As all know my tremendous love of the peoples common this event leaves me with a sad heart this day, as though all hardened criminals surprisingly confessing to virtually every crime we presented them with. All but this Kalamoth Simms or whatever his name was. Naturally with only the most gentle of persuasion....Sadly my pleas to them to simply apologize were refused, all wishing to serve their Emperor once more through example.
They were all a fine example of what true loyalty represents to the crown and Empire and I feel deeply depressed over their choice." - Korgewrath

    Now gentle reader, you might feel that the recent turmoil has weakened the guild or changed its character into a hostile, armed camp. If you believe so, you would be mistaken. In gathering information for this story, we had the pleasure of speaking to Colyn. This dignified elf is a prominent healer and an eloquent speaker as well. For according to her "when attacked the Guild reassembles, and for [a foe] making considerable effort to cull, separate, and weaken... the reverse has occurred, greater unity. Even should the Guild topple, be demolished entirely, it's merely a building, a symbol of those committed to a single purpose, healing. And healing is what we'll continue to do, regardless." And even in this troubling time, the gentle Mayen adds "that [the] Healers Guild will remain open for people who need it, even if it starts looking more imposing, or unwelcoming, the healers inside will always try to help as best they can, to keep the patients safe, and the guild a place where they can feel comfortable." Certainly, these are inspiring words in the face of such adversity.

    And as we left the Healers Guild, we were left with one last piece of advice. "Never insert a coconut in your anus. Always leaves the healers in a quandary as to appropriate extraction methods, that."

A Dark Conspiracy within the House of Healing: A private citizen’s alternate point of view Anonymous interview.

Justice has been done. The Empire has defended its own, acting with swift and righteous wrath. Or has it? While none doubt the wisdom and strength of the Empire, disturbing rumors persist. Though battered, the Healers Guild remains a shining symbol of charity and mercy, doing good works in Nanthalion and throughout Belariath. However, in the shadow of recent trials and tribulations, unsettling tales have spread through the land, whispers of corruption behind the Guild’s hallowed walls.
    Though ten have met the headsman, none have confessed, leaving the identity of this Abattoir hidden. Likely the villain died, taking his secret to his grave as his head rots on a pike. Or mayhaps this dreaded blackguard has evaded justice and remains at large, free to prey on a populace lulled into security by the recent executions….
    These ominous accusations were brought to our attention by a private citizen, wishing to remain anonymous. Shown below, we will allow you, our gentle reader, to decide for yourself. And please remember, that any opinions or comments expressed are those of the interviewee and not of the Nanthalion Times.
The Times: I've been asked to investigate matters involving the Healer's Guild [and I understand you have information?]
Anonymous: I'm not entirely sure why one would attack the Healers Guild after all the good they do … I think that this Mayalaya is trying to spread vicious lies … I know that there's a guard within the Healers Guild named Homunculis, who's trying to take it over, ordering money from the patients before throwing them out on the curb before they're fully healed. That's what happened to me.
T: May I quote you on this ... or would you prefer to remain anonymous?
A: I'd very much prefer to remain anonymous ... Oh yes, something else. I overheard Mayalaya speaking to Homunculis…The Guards of the Healers Guild are playing everyone for fools.
T: And what ... are the guards planning?
A: They're making the Guild into their own little base of operations. If you look, they're building a moat and all that, like a miniature fortress. They're planning on something. I'm not sure what, but I know that they are. It’s all I heard before I had to flee from the Healers Guild. Homunculis threatened to beat me within an inch of my life after throwing me outside after I'd just been healed of mortal wounds.
T: I heard of abductions of healers from the guild.... Do you know anything about this?
A: I don't know exactly what happened, I've only heard rumors ... I believe it's the Guards doing, letting the Healers get captured because the healers supposedly don't show any respect to the guards.
    Certainly, these are grave accusations indeed. Have we been fooled? Have innocent people been executed for crimes committed by the Healers Guild Guards? Well, in the interest of fairness, the Nanthalion Times spoke to Zeph, an esteemed warrior in the service of the Healers Guild to obtain his opinion.
The Times: [Our] source has accused the Homunculis and Mayalaya....saying that the two of them have been plotting against the Healers and against the other citizens of Nanthalion
Zeph: I would say that the two of them have done just the opposite… about Mayalaya or Homunculis planning or being involved in the attacks, I would have to say that from how well I know them and as much as I have worked with them that they are in no way involved. And as determined as anyone to find out whom is the one attacking the guild.
T: They also tell tales of people thrown out without healing because of their inability to pay.
Z: None that I have heard about. All that I have seen walk through that door have been healed … I can assure you that i will not let anything happen to the healers. And i have myself made it a priority to find the person responsible for the attacks.
    Truly, Zeph offers a strong and impassioned defense of the Guild. The accusations seem so improbable, the source unwilling to reveal himself. Yet questions do indeed remain so we present the facts and leave the decisions to you, our reader, on what to believe.

The Theatre is Coming to Town! by Vysanth

A most esteemed Archmage, noblest among Chirots, has seen fit to raise up the talents of Nanthalion and steer them towards fruition within the precincts of this town. Having long held a desire to see the performing arts being accorded the attention they deserve within the community, lord Dakiras of the Sorcerous Sanctuary has seen fit to pour his efforts now into setting up the grounds for which such talents may be set on showcase, for the entertainment and betterment for all of Nanthalion. As such he has pooled together his considerable resources, obtaining a site for the stage to be set at the very heart of the entertainment community, upon the second floor of the Guild of Signet and Song itself.
    Prior to its inception, the founder of the Jester's Court has decided that since stories have passed away from the Inn, this would be the place to hear the stories once more, and not just to hear, but to experience them fully through the action and music and drama of the evening. However, to truly weave the spell of enchantment, lord Dakiras has been searching for capable and able members of the Guild of Signet and Song, as well as others, to assist him in seeing that the masterpiece he is drawing up will continue to shine.
    To such an end he has expressed his wish to obtain a full theatre crew, comprising of musicians, actors, dancers and stage hands, as well as an assistant to help oversee the running of the theatre and productions. Being a person of no mean standard and taste, lord Dakiras has also seen to it that he assess the abilities and talents of applicants, screening them so that they may be proven worthy enough for the Theatre to showcase them. While many applicants for the prestigious assistant post have emerged, it is also uncertain who will be the final one chosen, although no doubt she will be fine and strong-willed, capable of managing the crew well. Finally, there are scripts and plays waiting to be written, and while such contributions may be welcome, it may be that lord Dakiras himself already has in mind what the first few productions will involve. No doubt they will be works that will enrich the senses and touch the hearts of those who will be viewing them.

Empire and Guild News

Unigo - Sorcerous Sanctuary opens in town for spells, enchantments and familiars. Long-time GuildMaster Zarias has stepped down with Ehlanna temporarily taking charge. Halfmoon appointed HeadMaster of still forming Academy of Magic.
GSS - Business as usual.
IP - The Imperial Pantheon, begun under the reign of Kinoa and Reigor has since lost its assistant High Priest. DopplerZero, a report of the times and scholar, now holds that position. Barador and Zophiel have taken on the responsibility of ressurecting dead souls. Auryn says yucky!
SG - Business as usual.
HG - See related articles.
BHG - Business as usual.

Letter from the Editor

Dear readers,
    As you can see, once again the Nanthalion Times has come under a sort of renovation. A lot has changed in the last few months, and I find myself still getting used to them, both personally and professionally.
    One of the larger changes, professionally, has occured only just recently. Through powers of wit and perserverance, a group of adventurers hired by the Nanthalion Times were able to procur for the paper two awesome magical items. Originally, they set out to retrieve two lost brownies, the workers who were responsible for the printing of all newspapers to date.
    They instead battled a mad wizard and trekked across the earth itself and were able to fetch a magical wood printing block. At this very moment, I'm speaking to it and watching them magically enscribed within its surface. A second group, entirely of their own volition, journeyed once again and from the enchantment shop of Carwig procurred a never ending ink bottle.
    The Nanthalion Times would like to thank Barador, Doppler Zero, Lorelei, Aaedil, Cera, Raven Swift, Kesrin, and Majick.

Until next time, Auryn, editor

The Nanthalion Times is a privately made newspaper using actual In Character and Out of Character events from the role play at #the_Lonely_Inn located on sorcery.net.
Belariath, Nanthalion, and all other characters and places developed and relating to The Lonely Inn are the sole property of their creators.
