Falling Summer Edition (August 29, 2004) - One Mehrial
The Nanthalion Chronicle

Editor: Lorelei, Staff Scribe: Kesrin, Staff Poet: Tarasque, Chroniclers: Aramis, Doppler Zero, Erin'Thanos, Soorelen, Vysanth, Special Contributor: Halfmoon

The Fall and Rebirth of Unigo
by Lorelei

    The Tower of Unigo stood for countless ages, a soaring testament to the enormous power of the arcane arts, but when magic vanished from the realm, the once great fortress of Katerein fell into ruin, a destitute shadow of its former glory. As an ominous comet covered the land in its baleful glow, some prayed to the Gods begging for succor while others curse the divinities, accusing uncaring deities of forsaking them. Still, man and his ilk are stalwart creatures; led by our Emperor in these troubled times, we rise to the challenge and cry out defiantly in the face of adversity

     With the sudden disappearance of magic, modern spells and charms ceased to function, and, as the hierophant Christolf reminded us, ancient magics were just as susceptible; as those venerable enchantments failed, "it appear[ed] as if something unnatural had been unleashed." The giant Harfgulk, a prisoner held captive by the power of bygone wizards, was freed to wreak his revenge, and his bitter enmity against Unigo was so great that "he did not go for the defenders at all; he went straight for the tower, as if [it] was all that mattered." Niseli the sylvan elf, a witness to the events, goes on to describe the loathsome creature as "a hairless son of a troll, around forty-five feet tall." Facing such a fearsome foe, many would have fled, but the mages stood their ground, courage not failing, even though their spells had.

     The battle for the Tower was one of titanic proportions with many acts of courage and sacrifice. "It was something that will be told through the bardic world for years to come," recounted the Master Hierophant, who participated closely in the battle and cared for many of those injured. After being pummeled with countless blows, the foul beast finally fell, with Mayalaya and Master Halfmoon delivering the coup de grace. Although the Guild of Mages won a great victory for the Empire, they could not save the tower, which was crushed beneath the dead carcass of their slain foe.

     With the tower in ruins, some felt an even greater despair, believing that with Unigo gone, the Goddess Katerein had truly abandoned them. Wise in the ways of the world, Master Christolf offered these words of hope:

     "Gaea is older than magic, older than the Tower of Unigo... she is still here… The spirit of the Guild remains...just not the physical representation of it… I do not think that Katerein has left us... things will return."

     Their spirits buoyed by valiant words and deeds, the Guild of Mages refused to abandon hope. Guided by the prophetic visions of Leashen, Master Halfmoon assembled a small cadre of adventurers. Joining the Master and Leashen were Tempest, Adrienna, gwyneth {StWi}, Melorian Silverdrift and Marr Shadowbull.

     Having traveled to Unigo, they found the ruins cloaked in green mists. Entering the mist, they searched for the foreseen 'blue egg' of energy. After some confusion, they discovered the object, gathering around it, trying to touch or affect it in some way. Their attempts were all futile and finally it exploded in a blinding flash and they were strewn about the plain.

     Earthquakes and terrible peals of thunder heralded the return of magic as arcane energy spread in chaotic waves. Out of the green mist, the Tower began to rise like a phoenix reborn.

     Standing perfectly reformed, Unigo once again towers over the land, a symbol of the return of Magic. The baleful eye of the comet vanished, as the new sky above Belariath revealed both moons in their full glory. Yet even as the Empire celebrates, disquiet lingers. Enchantments remain inert while there are whispers that the angry ghost of Harfgulk continues to haunt the realm to this day.

A Personal Account of the Battle of Unigo
by Halfmoon

     I can tell you the whole story of the tragic fall of the Tower of Unigo. A team of guild members was already at the Tower investigating the magical disturbances when the major event began. I immediately went to the roof of the Tower to observe and saw with my own eyes the emergence of the dark comet from behind our moon. Calling for a sextant, the object's position was measured. No sooner had the loss of magic overwhelmed us when Gwendya arrived at the Tower doors with news that the Giant was approaching. Many had already responded to the alarms and a contingent of mages prepared to defend the Tower. Soon the monstrosity appeared, uprooting an oak to use as a club against the Tower. Despite the preparations and an organized effort to turn aside the giant, it came on and proceeded to smash the Tower into itty bitty pieces.
     I am at a loss to say who exactly participated in the defense. I remember a few: Mauskraig, Alta Nova, Vella, and a few others. Notably, Scathien (Soulic Dorean) opted out of the combat. The battle against the giant was mostly futile, for the thing was so huge that there was little we could do against it, especially without the benefit of magic. Mayalaya arrived and eventually managed to land a knock out blow to the back of the creature's neck but it was all too late. The giant had decimated our Tower and fell upon the heap of rubble. I myself ensured that the giant would die, hacking open the jugular vein when it was down and knocked out.

     Later, certain contingents worked through the night searching the rubble for survivors and I managed to salvage many books from the library, hauling off what could be saved for safe storage at some undisclosed location…

On Treason
by Lorelei

     As chaos and uncertainty grip our fair realm, it harkens back to a past of bloodshed and strife. In this last spring of discontent, it was not the absence of magics nor the fall of mighty towers that struck fear into the hearts of men, but the insidious whispers of treason and sedition, the pitting of neighbor against neighbor, and the perpetual fear of the booted heels of guardsman and the sudden late-night knocks on doors. While these events fade from memory, the tense undercurrent lingers beneath the surface, waiting to once again rear its bestial head.

     An era of peace was shattered on a quiet spring evening when the moon was full and the night air crisp as soldiers of the Grand Duke searched the town, relentlessly hunting for traitors that some claim never even existed. In a night of flames and broken glass, the damage was great, as was the blame, for rioters and soldiers alike becoming targets of an aftermath of anger. One disgruntled citizen claimed that "the shop was broken into, windows smashed, and the door broken by the noble Duke Korgewrath," but, despite the chaos, the town remained loyal to the Emperor. For example, although the Body Arts Shop was seriously damaged, its proprietor, pixie Shaeya Asura, took the destruction in stride, stating that "if the sacrifice we must pay for the well-being of the empire, and the gracious rule of our emperor, is one or two broken windows, then I think it's a price worth paying." The price exacted was weeks of fear, interrogations, rumors of torture, and mysterious disappearances, the occurrences of which have all slowly receded as things returned to normalcy.

     While tales of that night differ wildly in the telling, they all begin at the temple, where some say that the Arctyrian, Dopplerzero, in an act of blasphemy, expelled the Grand Duke Korgewrath as the nobleman humbly performed his devotions to the gods.
     In an audience granted to the Nanthalion Chronicle, his Grace states that he was "excluded and not allowed to pray within" and "took [his] prayers to the gods outdoors." The Grand Duke further states that the Arctyrian would "rather see [the temple] be a brothel before letting me pray" for the Emperor within.
Although not directly stated, the Grand Duke implicates the Arctyrian in conspiracies involving foreign powers, suggesting that "whatever land [Dopplerzero] comes from, their leaders threatened war with us ... threatening me and our Emperor, yet more so our beloved people." Furthermore, his Grace insinuates that there are similar traitors amidst the Drak Sen, because "that group does worship dragons ONLY... calling all gods false and our Emperor a fool for choosing gods over them," and advises Imperial subjects to choose either the "Empire or the lies of those that worship dragons."

    Others vehemently disagree with Korgewrath's claims, insisting that there was no treacherous conspiracy at all and ardently defending the loyalty of the Drak Sen. A well known human associate of dragons, Morgan Drakewing proclaims the loyalty of the Drak Sen, stating, "we are loyal citizens all, despite which gods we worship. The Emperor we consider a great man" and "one need only look at the Drak Sens in court to verify their loyalty to this city and of the Empire that watches over it." He alleges that the Grand Duke is overzealous in his search for sedition, "taking even the slightest slip as treachery from an unseen hand." An anonymous associate of the Arctyrian came vigorously to his defense, claiming "that while he may have conflicts with the Grand Duke, Dopplerzero was a stalwart and loyal servant of the Emperor and a pious holy man." Some go even further, whispering that it was Korgewrath himself who was the transgressor, defying the Emperor's own law and violating the sanctity of the Temple. Rumors abound and accusations of the Grand Duke's treason have filtered upwards to the Emperor himself.

     In actuality, only those present that night will ever know the true telling of events. Whatever resolution came to pass likewise remains secret from the populace, for the conflict has faded, the hot irons have cooled as the hunt for traitors has grown quiet, and both Dopplerzero and Korgewrath remain in their Imperially granted positions. If the Emperor chooses to trust the loyalty of both men, it is certainly not our place to second guess his infinite wisdom.

Tales from the Healer's Guild
by Erin'Thanos

Name: Christolf
How long you have been in the HG? 15 months, give or take a month or two.
What do you like, working there?As for working here, and what I like about it, I love to teach people, when I have a receptive student. One that just goes through the motions irks me more than anything. Working with herbs to help those is a close second, and third, I guess, a close second, and third, I guess, is the sense of community...but that has slacked off a little lately.'
What do you like to see? The future...I want to see more of my brethren inside the Guild...more of those who rely on herbs than on magic. As is very evident by the recent crisis, we have too few who are masters of the herbal arts...and that has put a tremendous strain on the Guild, myself, and the town in general. We need more people trained in those arts...definitely. It's one reason I want the Circle of Hortus to be a member of the Guild of Hortus to be a member of the Guild family...because with that tool at our disposal, we can get more of those we desperately need. Right now, we have only two people in the Guild that can brew a lifesaving potion...and that is too few.'

Name: Mistress Angelica Catpaws
How long you have been in the HG? Almost 3 years
What do you like, working there?Healing is my passion, it fills me with an overwhelming erotic feeling...and my patients love my release of such Sexual energy while tending to their wounds.
What would you like to see?I would very much like to see other healers showing respect to one another .whether or not they are available for full time healing. Some, like me, have other positions in the empire and are as equally important.
Personal goals for you working here?I would love to stop a person from falling into the depths of the blanket of death, with the Best Sex they have ever had. Healing all their injuries in the throws of passion and cured by my orgasmic essence.

Name: Cherri
How long you have been in the HG? About 8 months
What do you like working there? The friendly atmosphere and the ability to get involved in many ways to help others.
What would you like to see? More herbal things worked out as being a druid healer without any magic and only one other to help there is currently no way to raise my druidic skills only the healing side of them.
Personal goals for you working here? Just to be able to help as many people as possible.
Name: Van Masterson ((currently on extended leave))
How long you have been in the HG? About three years I believe.
What would you like to see? Helping others and healing and well the sex afterwards is a bonus.
What would you like to see? Mmmm more rewards for the hard work that is put into it as well as understanding, can not think of anything else.
Personal goals for you working here? To become master of the guild...wait almost there.

Name: Erin`Thanos
How long you have been in the HG? About 6 months.
What do you like, working there? Getting to heal people! Healing is fun and good and great and Erin no have to have sex while doing it!!
What would you like to see? More healers devote there time to the guild then everywhere else and the healers know each other all the time and we are one BIG HAPPY family!!
Personal goals for you working here? Erin would like to learn more herbal thing and more skills and be a better healer! Erin wants to rule the guild!

Name: gwyneth (owned by StormWind)
How long you have been in the HG? One and a half months
What do you like, working there? gwyn is a natural healer, she was raised by her mother who is also a healer to follow in her footsteps, if she wasn't in the Guild she would have gotten in trouble for healing without membership, a girl likes to help Others...
What would you like to see? new herbs available
Personal goals for you working here? gwyn strives to be a skilled healer as her Mother is... she wishes to increase her knowledge of both mundane skills and magickal, and hopefully herbology as well so she can better serve the Public, and the Emperor... and teach others as well in time. she realizes she has a long way to go until this level is reached, but will do her best to attain it.

Aramis' First Day at Work: Great Balls of Fire
by Aramis

     I remember it all for I probably had the best seat in the house! I had just been hired by Fei earlier that night to work the bar. I was hoping to get a little bit of training first but they turned me loose by myself. Yeah, yeah, you know how much lady luck laughs at me, right? This was definitely a disaster waiting to happen. As I was saying, I was doing a good job bartending, if I may say so myself, when a couple of the regulars decided to have sex. Nothing new around here, right? I didn't think anything of it at the time because I was too busy talking to Ashley, that really cute girl I was going to collar as soon as I had the mehrials.

     I suppose that was my downfall, for as I was sitting there chatting, I noticed the bar was starting to get really cold. When I looked over, Sparky and Frosty, that’s what I’ll call them since I don't know their real names, seemed to be emanating ice, Frosty in particular. (Frosty's the guy and Sparky's the cute chick). I shrugged. It was interesting but I didn't think anything of it at the time. I had just finished serving one of my customers, I forget which one in all the confusion, when all hell break loose. Sparky was really getting it put to her by Frosty and sparks started to fly from her fingers, followed by small jets of fire. I guess in her excitement, she couldn't help it. Well, it only took one errant jet to light up the liquor that had been spilled, frozen, and now re-thawed on the bar so it went up like a troll in a barn fire!!

     I started panicking, dumping a bucket of water on the bar. I thought that would be enough but it seemed that I had underestimated Sparky's affiliation with fire. The flames went out for a few reassuring seconds before they relit!! I started beating on the bar with my rag, trying to put it out that way, when I heard a voice from behind me.

     "Hey man" he said, "Relax, the entire inn is warded against magic, so it'll be alright."

     "Are you absolutely sure??" I asked.

     The man, who I believe is named Kae-something nodded and added "Yeah, in fact, the tables make a great shield against fireballs! Think about it. If they hadn't warded it all, this Inn would get destroyed on a weekly basis, right?“ What he said made sense. I'd seen enough violence to justify the wards, and especially considering magic hasn't been working most of the time I've been here!! So I looked at the bar one last time and shrugged.

     Needless to say when I arrived at the Inn the following morn, the old well used and loved bar was nothing more then a swept up pile of ash with a new stone one in its place. At least the whole place didn’t burn down and I still have a place to serve drinks.

A Letter from the Editor

Dear Gentle Reader,

     After an extended leave of absence, the staff of the Nanthalion Chronicle is proud to resume its long tradition of excellence and service. In these times of chaos and upheaval, we seek to relay the news of the Empire to its loyal subjects.

     While I can never truly replace Auryn, my esteemed predecessor, I will do my utmost to serve both you and our most glorious liege as the new editor. I would like to thank the efforts of my staff and welcome our two newest additions, Erin'Thanos and Aramis. I would also like to thank those who have helped in our work, notably Master Halfmoon, Mistress Marissa and Hierophant Christolf.

     In our next issue, expect to see continuing stories on the latest developments in the realm, including the Gladiator League, continuing fallout over the loss and return of magic and much more. If there is a tale that you wish to be told, angry arguments, insightful comments, or flirtatious invitations, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Your Humble servant,


Test of the Gods
by DopplerZero

     As of late, the entire empire, not just restricted to the city of Nanthalion, has come under a loss of magic. While most magics have been returned, save for the healing arts, it stands to wonder as to what exactly caused this. Everyone had reported an object in the sky, hanging over the moon like a floating mass of land. While nobody still quite knows what this object was, most are certain as to what cured the city.

     Through the efforts of all of Nanthalion and their offerings to the gods during the crisis, the gods had taken notice and had slowly returned magic back to the masses. The first place where magic returned was in the Imperial Temple, with a rather glittery display of light. This at least says that the gods had something to do with the loss of magic throughout the entire city. They had grown annoyed with the populace's lack of respect for them and forced it upon the empire in the one way they knew how.

     It is not anyone's job to question the gods. Not even mine. But I know that it was through the efforts of the people that we were able to come out of this crisis intact. The gods will never abandon us, but they will test us with things to come. I am rather proud of what most of this city stood up to do, with the unity between the mages throughout the entire city, and even throughout the entire empire.

Poet's Corner
by Tarasque

Take Me With You

if you must go take me with you
for I lose my heart if I stay
where ever you lead please let me follow
all I ask is don't send me away

and yes I've failed and I've hurt you
but still I ask don't leave me alone
for safe in your arms I have found
my shelter and love I have never know

been a fool to question something so rare
spent far too long too afraid to believe
now the only thing my heart truely knows
is that I'm forever lost if you leave

with all that I am I ask you
take me with you no matter how far
open my eyes and let me love you
for my heart rests where ever you are

Guild News
by Soorelen

BHG: Business as normal.

GoM: The Naked Mage Tourney was finally concluded. In a surprise victory in the elite division, Mayalaya took out Ehlanna. In the Mystical Mages Division, Marissa took out Gojin Ryong. In the Mighty Mighty Master Mages, Sephiroth took home the title, defeating Archaon. In the Midgets of Magery, Cera took out Tia`Il`Ty. Congratulations to the winners of the Massive Tournament and the others who participated. In other news, Barador was made Guild Master.

HG: The Healers Guild had a few surprises as of late. With magic gone, all Healers' have had to use their mundane skills and the Apothecary has been doing brisk business as of late. There have been failed attempts to destroy the guild as of late. Recently, an Elf attacked the Guild with fire, but was defeated through quick action by Mayalaya, Soorelen and Seraph. The Fire was put out by Healers and guards with the aid of a Hydromancer, making the side of the Guild Hall look as if winter ice storms were already heavily upon us.

SG: Head Mistress Andara has resigned as of late. Who shall be the next person in charge of the Slave Guild? Also Auryn, Assissant Head Mistress of the Guild has left for a long journey, resigning as well. Is there a trend beginning? Currently, Angelica Catpaws mans the helm of the Guild untill the Empire selects a permanent replacement.

FG: Business as usual.

GSS: The Siren's Call Instrument shop has recently moved out of the Guild of Signet and Song and into their own building. Let us wish them the best in their endeavors.

Temple: These strange days has brought an influx of worshipers and those who do so come away blessed, or so they say. It is apparent that something is happening amidst the divine because those who pray feel soft breezes to relieve them from the heat..and food that is spoilt seems fresh and healthy at the temple. One Paladin found himself graced with a blessing of his Goddess, possessing a girl and engaging him in the pleasures of this mortal coil...only to have her slap him when he called her 'woman'. The girl, then no longer possessed, slapped him on the other cheek, when she found herself naked in his bed. The Oracles and priests are seeking answers to the questions on everyone's mind. Considering the temple is where many of Unigo's students sought refuge, the groups have apparently come together for scholarly discussion of the events as well as rituals and prayers to the gods for assistance and guidance. They have answered, but as of yet the visions have not led to final answers.

The Nanthalion Whispers
by Lorelei

* India, Mistress of the Baths, has reported a menacing Harpy which has been sighted in the vicinity of the Baths. Any help in combating the foul creature would be appreciated.
* Vetic the Dark Paladin and Taisiya the Muse were wed by their liege Qu'Selashya in a small ceremony this past spring.
* Congratulations to Quilain, winner of the first ever Imperial Marathon. The other contestants, in order of completion are Amythyst, Lorelei, Odium, Kesrin and Vetic.
* Hierophant Dmitri Goldenleaf is proclaiming that Amythyst the Nymph is a Goddess. The official position of the Temple remains unknown at this time.
* Laria Swiftclaw has officially disbanded the Loyalist Political Party. Rumors circulate as to her current plans.
* Goblins attacked the Lonely Inn early this Summer, leaving several dead. Rumors of the ravished include at least one prominent male citizen.
* Fire Elementals attacked Nanthalion earlier this summer but were defeated by the courageous efforts of brave citizens.
* Continuing the trend of attacks on town, a Phoenix attacked the Inn sometime after the Elemental attack.
* The Bar at the Lonely Inn was recently damaged during the course of an amorous encounter between a fire and water mage, who's powers slipped beyond control during their lovemaking.
* The Naked Bird is planning a reopening ceremony, heralding the return of Magic and the recovery from the recent flooding.
* The nobles of the realm have been kept busy with a series of parties at the Baths and at Count Shaka's this summer season.
* Apparently, someone named Bombo is missing.
* Snowstorms, floods, fire and heat waves have gripped the Empire since the appearance of the comet in our skies. Reports of a thick green mist lingering over Unigo are widespread, with witnesses reporting a wide variety of bizarre phenomena associated with the unnatural fog. With the sudden return of magic, more seasonable weather has returned to Belariath

The Nanthalion Times is a privately made newspaper using actual In Character events from the role play at #the_Lonely_Inn located on sorcery.net. Everything written within the newspaper is IC and is not meant to be construed in an OOC manner in any way. Please keep any disputes IC and feel free to write the editor, IC.Belariath, Nanthalion, and all other characters and places developed and relating to The Lonely Inn are the sole property of their creators.
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